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It will be from February 5 to March 22 and there will be prizes of 500 euros for all participating establishments and transport vehicles

The City Council launches #BenidormTeEspera, a contest with which it will inject 1.5 million euros into the productive fabric

20 January 2021
L'Ajuntament llança #BenidormTeEspera, un concurs amb el qual injectarà 1,5 milions d'euros en el teixit productiu...

It is the first measure in 2021 to support companies and freelancers, after mobilizing last year more than 7 million in direct aid to families and the productive fabric

Within the measures to support companies, professionals and freelancers in Benidorm in the face of the economic effects of the pandemic, the City Council is going to launch  #BenidormTeEspera contest with which 1.5 million euros will be injected into the city's productive fabric . This has been announced today by the mayor, Toni Pérez, in a press conference in which he took stock of the economic scope of the measures adopted by the City Council in 2020 to support families and the productive sector, and this first action of 2021.

The mayor explained that "following the experience of the last Christmas Window Dressing Contest"  #BenidormTeEspera contest is now being launched to "promote the creativity of shops and services, hotel, restaurant and leisure establishments, hotels and passenger transport in Benidorm, encouraging the decoration of their establishments or vehicles, on the occasion of  Valentine's Day and Saint Joseph campaigns ”and that through this action they will contribute to the revitalization of the city and to show the world that Benidorm is waiting for them when this difficult situation  is finished.

Toni Pérez has announced that “all participants will be awarded” for their contribution to “promoting our city and its hashtag #BenidormTeEspera” that recovers the spirit of the virtual exhibition #BenidormTeEspera that day by day, from March 20, 2020, with the photographs sent by citizens and that with this municipal initiative are once again protagonists of the action. Thus, "three prizes of 3,000, 2,000 and 1,000 euros and a general prize for participation of 500 euros" that will reach all the establishments and activities that join this contest, "aimed at approximately 3,000 participants".

#BenidormTeEspera, whose bases have already been drawn up and will be approved in the coming days, will take place both on the street and on social media from February 5 to March 22, once the municipal budget for 2021 is definitively approved.

As the mayor has clarified, this contest is the first economic initiative to support the productive and economic sector of the city, to which direct aid for the families of Benidorm will be added shortly, on the basis of which they are already working. The "initial endowment" for these aid to families is "2.5 million euros."

At this point, Toni Pérez recalled that "in the 2021 municipal budget, more than 6 million euros have already been reserved for direct aid to families and the productive fabric." In addition, he has confirmed "the commitment of this government team" to "mobilize as many extra resources as necessary" to join " Plan Resiste promoted and agreed between the Generalitat, the Provincial Councils and the City Councils of the provincial capitals of the Valencian Community ”.

Likewise, he has ratified "the commitment to continue promoting other measures" in line with those carried out in 2020 and which "have had a tremendously effective result for the whole of society and the productive fabric of Benidorm." Specifically, and as he recalled, “from March 13 to December 31, the City Council has mobilized more than 7 million euros from the municipal budget for aid, programs and actions aimed at supporting companies, professionals and homes of Benidorm ”.

Of those 7 million euros, about 2.8 million have been allocated to aid to the productive fabric, accounting for the income that the City Council has stopped receiving after having suspended the tax for the occupation of tables and chairs. The remaining € 4.2 million have been translated into benefits and aid of a social and / or educational nature for those who are suffering the most from the consequences of this economic and social crisis.

The mayor has stressed that "from minute one in this City Council we knew that facing the consequences of this crisis did not go through complicated and never ended plans", but rather by "mobilizing resources to, in an agile and versatile way, meet the needs of all the population".

Details of #BenidormTeEspera contest

The contest takes the # (hashtag) that the City Council and Visit Benidorm began to use already in the first weeks of the confinement to show the world the best corners of the city and encourage tourist reactivation once restrictions on mobility were overcome.

The contest focuses on the decoration of the establishments or the supports visible to the public in the case of vehicles and will be free themed. The only essential requirement is that this decoration or lettering includes the hashtag #BenidormTeEspera.

At the same time, participants will have to publish at least one image of the decorated establishment / vehicle on one or more Social Networks among those owned by the participant (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter ...), incorporating hashtags #BenidormTeEspera and #Benidorm, and tagging the City Council .

The aim of these publications is to promote the city and the destination, and at the same time make the establishment or service itself known and the effort it is making throughout this pandemic.

The registration period will be open from January 26 to February 5, both inclusive, and it will be formalized through the website of the City Council ( The details of the documentation to be provided and the details of the evaluation process for the decorative proposals of the participants will be announced in the coming days, once the contest rules are approved.