This is a line of subsidies for sports entities and clubs, which will be eligible for a maximum amount of 20,000 euros
The City Council allocates 100,000 euros to support local women's sports

Benidorm City Council has announced a line of subsidies aimed at promoting and encouraging local women's sports, to which 100,000 euros will be allocated. The Local Government Board approved this Tuesday the bases to qualify for these subsidies, which are intended to support "activities, projects, and programs of a sporting nature whose purpose is the promotion and encouragement of non-professional women's sports", according to explained the Sports Councilor, Javier Jordá.
The councillor highlighted that the beneficiaries of this aid will be "the clubs registered in the Municipal Registry of Sports Entities of the City Council", each of which may receive a subsidy of up to a maximum of 20,000 euros, as established by the rules, which also state that they will be distributed by the principles of publicity, transparency, competition, objectivity, equality, and non-discrimination.
Javier Jordá stated that the application period for this line of aid will be 15 calendar days from the publication of the bases in the BOP and that the application process must be submitted to the General Registry of the City Council, after having appropriately completed the model incorporated into the bases, which will be provided at the City Council itself.
As in previous calls, a technical commission will be in charge of evaluating all applications, taking into account criteria such as the age of the club, the number of federated athletes, the organization of sports activities, collaboration with the Department in activities and sporting events, expenses or those incurred for the transfer of women's teams.
The clubs or entities that request aid must be legally constituted and registered in the Municipal Registry for at least one year, must not be for profit, must be up to date with the payment of their tax obligations, and must have duly justified the subsidies received in previous years. Activities already scheduled by the Department are excluded, as well as direct nominative subsidies to entities and clubs that have been granted direct subsidies.