Benidorm suspends the eviction of Palau d'Esports pending the ratification of the judge

Benidorm City Council does not run on Sunday the eviction of the pool and gym in Palau d'Esports L'Illa waiting for the judge to rule on the suspension of eviction asked by the concessionaire.
The councillor for Heritage and Contracting, Lourdes Caselles, explained that this decision has been taken in view of the reports prepared by the municipal legal services in relation to the judicial process against the resolution of the contract submitted by the company on Tuesday.
The councillor stated that "technicians believe that the judge is not going to approve the suspension of eviction" asked by the company, considering all municipal reports and the opinion of the Consell Jurídic Consultiu (CJC) that supports the resolution contract "for breaches" of the dealership.
Although the court decision on suspending or not the eviction will be quick, the judge will take longer to decide about the termination of the contract. A termination that the plenary session approved in view of the detected breaches mad by the concessionary like non-payment of salaries to workers, non-performing and committed works included in the contract, non-payment of fees, or lack of maintenance the installations.