The budget for the action amounts to 58,297.15 euros
Benidorm requests a grant from the Provincial Council for the renewal of the sewer network on Emilio Romero street

The Local Government Board (JGL) of Benidorm City Council has approved requesting a grant from Alicante Provincial Council to renovate the sewer network on Periodista Emilio Romero Street, which amounts to 58,297.15 euros.
The request is made under the call made by the provincial entity for the granting in the financial year 2024 of grants in favour of local entities for the establishment, reform or major repair of hydraulic supply and sanitation infrastructure. The purpose of the call is to contribute to the financing of expenses derived from the execution of hydraulic works and installations.
In the case of this action, the works will allow the renewal of the street collector "to avoid obstruction problems", according to the Councilor for the Water Cycle, José Ramón González de Zárate. This pipe will be installed in the roadway to free up the sidewalk for the installation of other services.
Thus, the works foresee the installation of a 315-millimetre diameter PVC collector for wastewater under the road in the parking area. It will have a straight layout with a 1% slope to improve its operation.
The section affected by these works will be the one that runs between Avenida del Mediterráneo and the Paseo Maritimo de Levante and the execution period, once the work begins, will be one month, as stated in the project.
González de Zárate explained that initially “this action was included in the remodelling and renovation project for Avenida del Mediterráneo, but the lack of permits from Costas and the Júcar Hydrographic Confederation forced us to withdraw it to carry out the project. Mediterranean". Likewise, the mayor has indicated that they have spoken with the concessionaire Hidraqua to renovate the rest of the street services and that it be urbanized "with the same harmony and uniformity as Mediterráneo", that is, "with a road with no sidewalks, pedestrian and completely accessible.”