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These benefits can be requested from tomorrow electronically and, in specific cases, in person with a prior appointment.

Benidorm launches the new aid to families against Covid-19, initially endowed with 2.5 million euros

12 February 2021
Benidorm llança les noves ajudes a famílies enfront de la Covid-19, dotades inicialment amb 2,5 milions d'euros...

The minimum aid is 200 euros per month for a quarter

Benidorm City Council has launched the new aid to families against Covid-19, for which 2.5 million euros have been initially reserved, as reported today by the mayor, Toni Pérez, after the Bulletin Official of the Province published today the bases that will govern this call and that were approved on Monday by the Local Government Board (JGL). These grants "will be at least 200 euros per month for a quarter" and are aimed "at those who are suffering the most from the effects of this health, economic and social crisis".

Toni Pérez has stressed that “with this extraordinary aid, we are following the line that we started 10 months ago, in the first weeks of the pandemic, when we placed the people and the productive fabric of Benidorm at the epicenter of our political action , mobilizing all the resources necessary to serve the groups that are suffering the most from the negative effects of this crisis. ”

The mayor has stressed that "after 11 months of pandemic, we know that the need is at the moment, at least, the same as at the beginning of the health crisis and therefore we have initially reserved 2.5 million euros for these aids; an amount that, if necessary, could be increased, since the intention of this government - and we understand that of the entire Municipal Corporation - is to reach all the people who need it and comply with the requirements of the bases.

Some bases that the government "handed over to the groups on January 26"; that "they have been addressed in two Boards of Spokespersons, including various contributions made by the opposition"; and that "we have adapted to the current situation, different in many aspects from what existed during the first stages of the pandemic, and trying to attend to all situations of need, without leaving anyone in the way."

Amounts and requirements

As the mayor has detailed, this extraordinary aid aimed at those who are most suffering the effects of this health, economic and social crisis is granted for a period of three months and with a minimum monthly amount of 200 euros, "amount which will increase proportionally depending on the number of members of the family or coexistence unit ”.

In this way, the family or cohabitation units of two members who meet the requirements set out in the bases will receive 250 euros per month; 300 euros, those of three; 350, those of four; and so on. Or what is the same, the family unit of a member will receive a total aid of 600 euros; 750 euros, those of two members; 900, those formed by three people; and 1,050 euros, those of four.

In order to access these grants, both the applicant and the rest of the members of the family or coexistence unit must be registered in Benidorm on December 31, 2020. In addition, the applicant must have been self-employed or employed at least 24 months in the last five years; be unemployed, or affected by an ERTE, a reduction in working hours or a cessation of activity as a self-employed person between March 2020 and the date of the call.

Likewise, among the financial requirements, it must be proven that the income of the family or cohabitation unit does not exceed twice the Public Indicator of Monthly Multiple Effects Income, that is, 1,129.80 euros. This limit will be increased by 0.2 for the second component, 0.15 for the third and 0.10 for the fourth and subsequent components. In any case, the income of the three months prior to the deadline for submitting the aid will be taken into account. In the event that any of the members of the family or coexistence unit has a declared disability greater than 65% and / or a situation of great dependence, the limit provided will be three times the IPREM.

Processing of aid

The mayor has indicated that "the request for aid will be made from tomorrow, February 13, until 11:59 p.m. on March 14", and added that "within the possibilities, we ask and recommend the population that the applications are presented precisely in this way, electronically, through the Electronic Office of the City Council ”, at the address https: // sede / inicio .

This procedure "will be carried out without the need for an electronic certificate, and in a very intuitive way." In any event, explanatory video tutorials will be prepared on how to complete the entire telematic submission process, which will be disseminated both on the municipal website and on social networks so that anyone who requires it can consult it. However, he has specified, “for exceptional cases in which there is no access to technological means to make this request electronically, the submission of the request will be allowed to make it in person by appointment, from Monday to Friday, in the municipal branch or in the Central Registry of the City Council, located at Plaza SSMM Reyes de España ”.

The prior appointment can be requested from tomorrow on the municipal website, at the link -previous marking, as the case may be, if the appointment is for the General Register of the City Council or for a specific municipal branch. It is important that, before requesting the prior appointment or starting the procedure for submitting the application electronically, all the required documentation is available. Likewise, "to answer questions and incidents, the email and the #RAC phone number 900701322 have been enabled.

Documentation to provide

Toni Pérez explained that “when the first call for aid was launched, Spain was in a state of alarm and experiencing a situation of lock down, in which personal mobility was greatly reduced and at a time when various administrations public had not set up formulas for customer service or had not articulated telematic tools that were easily accessible to all citizens ”. Currently, "there is no such situation of lock down and therefore we are going to require citizens to provide from the first moment a series of documentation that must be complete at the time of application".

The mayor has stressed that "the provision of this documentation will greatly expedite the processing of aid, which will undoubtedly benefit applicants, since applications will be able to be solved faster and, therefore, the beneficiaries will be able to receive the aid earlier ”.

Thus, the documentation that is going to be required is:

  • Photocopy of the DNI or equivalent document of all the components of the family or coexistence unit registered in the same address.
  • Labor Certificate of the person requesting aid ( ), and depending on the case, the proof of cessation of activity of self-employed or the monthly amount of their income from unemployment benefits or subsidies or ERTE for the three months prior to the start of the term of this call or affidavit of not receiving income.
  • Payroll, SS pension certificates, unemployment benefits or any other benefit or income of the rest of the members of the family or cohabitation unit in the last three months.
  • Certificate of degree of disability equal to or greater than 65% or recognition of dependency situation.
  • Annex I duly completed in which the City Council is authorized to verify how much data is necessary.
  • And Annex II, also duly completed, which corresponds to the standardized model of direct debit data, or the corresponding certificate of ownership of the online banking.

Toni Pérez has underlined that the submission period "is long, 30 days, so that all applicants have more than enough time to be able to collect all the necessary documentation".

2020 call data

In 2020, the City Council finally allocated more than 2.4 million euros to these grants, which reached more than 2,900 people. In addition, all the beneficiaries of that first call received a 200 euro wallet card to buy in Benidorm establishments between December 24 and January 20, in a complementary and extraordinary action with which money was injected into these homes and also in the productive fabric of the city. In total, both actions reached 3 million euros.


As established in the bases, people who are already being cared for by the Department of Social Welfare through emergency aid - those known as Individual Economic Benefits (PEI's) -, or those who are receiving the Valencian Inclusion Income or the Minimum Vital Income (IMV).