Those affected by the disease place a pink ribbon in the gardens of the City Hall to commemorate World Breast Cancer Day
Benidorm joins Anémona once again in the fight against breast cancer

The reading of the manifesto and the Solidarity March will be the main events this weekend
The gardens of Benidorm City Hall have been displaying a pink ribbon since Tuesday to show their support for people affected by breast cancer and their families, as well as for research projects against this disease. The first deputy mayor, Ana Pellicer, and the councillor for Equality, Ángela Zaragozí, have participated in the placement of the commemorative ribbon together with other members of the Municipal Corporation and numerous members of the Self-Help Group for Women with Breast and Gynaecological Cancer of the Marina Baixa, Anémona. This is the first of the events that will take place this week in our city on the occasion of the celebration of World Breast Cancer Day, which is commemorated worldwide next Saturday, October 19.
After the placement of this ribbon, which will remain anchored until next Sunday, the president of this group, María Botella, and the councillor for Equality have appeared to explain the rest of the activities that will take place during the next few days. Botella explained that during the week banners with the pink ribbon will be displayed in numerous towns in the region, as events before 19-O.
On Saturday, World Breast Cancer Day will start at 10 am at Benidorm Nautical Club, where the '100 Strokes' of the SUMA Rowing League will be held. In the afternoon, at 7 pm, in the Assembly Hall of Benidorm City Hall there will be a piano and dance recital, after which Ana Tomás, director of the IES L'Almadrava, will read this year's official manifesto, drafted by FECMA, the Spanish Federation of Breast Cancer, and to which the 47 associations of those affected from all over the country have adhered, as explained by the president of Anémona.
In addition to all this, the main event of the week will be the XXII Anémona Solidarity March, which will take place this Sunday, October 20, and will start at 10 in the morning from the Plaza de SS MM los Reyes de España, where it is expected that there will be massive participation. The members of Anémona have explained that this march, once again this year, will start from the Town Hall to the Paseo de Tamarindos, going through the streets of Herrerías, Passeig de la Carretera, Alcalde José Such, Armada Española and Vicente Llorca Alós, and returning in the opposite direction. Once the march has finished, in the Plaza del Consistorio there will be a ‘Zumba’ session for the participants, as well as bars with soft drinks and sandwiches, as well as a tasting of rice and ham donated by collaborating restaurants, which can be purchased at popular prices.
They also explained that the association continues to sell charity t-shirts for participating in this march, which cost 12 euros and can be found both at the group's headquarters and at various stalls and collaborating shops in Benidorm and other parts of the region. For those who are late, there will also be various sales points for these t-shirts on Sunday.
The president of Anémona recalled that all the money raised on this day will be used to finance the therapeutic activity provided by the association and also the research carried out by Geicam, the leading group in breast cancer research in Spain. María Botella also thanked Benidorm City Council for "its support and collaboration", as well as "the enormous effort they make to attend to us and support all our initiatives, to make us feel at home".
For her part, the Councillor for Equality, Ángela Zaragozí, thanked Anémona for “the tenacity and work they do throughout the year” to support people affected by breast cancer and encouraged citizens to join in the activities scheduled for this week, especially by helping to buy t-shirts for the Solidarity March on Sunday.