Toni Pérez attends the DTI Networks and Smart Cities Meeting and exposes the collaboration model between them
Benidorm, an example in the digitization of tourism

The mayor of Benidorm attends the Meeting of the DTI Networks and Smart Cities focused on the digitization of tourism that is held over two days in Rota (Cádiz), dedicating the first day to the Technical Committee of the Spanish Network of Smart Cities and the second, today, to an analysis on the digitization of Tourism where Benidorm exemplifies the success story of these conferences.
This morning Toni Pérez participated in the institutional opening accompanying the mayor of Rota, Javier Ruiz, and the representatives of, Segittur, Red DTI and Red of Smart Cities.
Pérez stressed that "in Rota a working forum and a meeting space have been developed so that, between private and public initiative, the objectives of maximum operation of smart tourist destinations can be achieved", encouraging municipalities that aspire to be smart tourist destinations to implement certification standards and "to undergo continuous audits to offer increasingly sustainable, smart and competitive destinations, always keeping the tourist figure focused without forgetting the resident"
The days "RECI and DTI Networks" are held at Castillo de Luna and in the program sessions will be analyzed from Good Governance Practices, Innovation, Accessibility, Sustainability and technological application, to the issues of Recovery and Resilience Funds, the experience of destinations and the importance of standardization and improvement of sustainability.
The president of Segittur, Enrique Martínez Marín and the company Inteligencia Turística, which manages the process of the Smart Destination Lab Benidorm DTI + Seguro promoted by Benidorm City Council, also actively participates in these conferences.
This afternoon the conference will close with the standardization and debate tables on smart and sustainable cities.