A decree includes the new modulation of beaches based on the latest state regulations, which reduces the safety distance
Benidorm enables swimming and walks along the shore from 07:00 to 08:45, and extends the capacity of its beaches to 33,000 people

Se amplían a 30 los accesos; y se permite el deporte en las áreas habilitadas, los paseos por toda la orilla y la permanencia en ella de los menores de 10 años
The Mayor of Benidorm, Toni Pérez, has issued a statement that includes "the new modulation of beaches", once the state of alarm has ended and in accordance with the latest health, hygiene and safety recommendations. In summary, this modulation allows the maximum capacity of beaches to be expanded and authorizes practices hitherto restricted by state regulations, such as walks along the shore or sports in authorized areas. In addition, a new bathing schedule and walks beyond are enabled; the number of accesses to beaches increases; and a new distribution of hammock spaces, the elderly and the general public is established.
As detailed by the mayor in a telematic press conference, with this modulation "Benidorm adapts its beaches" to the current situation "maintaining the premise that has guided our performance from the first moment, which has been to encourage the greatest number of people to enjoy from the beaches of Benidorm and do it safely ”. In this regard, a new modulation has been carried out that "extends the capacity to more than 33,000 people", with a maximum occupancy of 27,852 users in the free zone and 5,624 in the hammock spaces.
Toni Pérez has indicated that from tomorrow there will be "a new layout of the spaces defined on Levante, Poniente and Mal Pas beaches", adjusting to the use and demand of beaches. Thus, green spaces, from now on for those over 60 years old, will be interspersed with blue ones, reserved for the general public, which are those with the largest number of plots. In any case, users over 60 years old can use the blue and hammock spaces. In addition, the maximum occupancy of 4 people in the green plots is maintained, and up to 5 people in the blue plots provided that one of them is under 6 years old.
According to the mayor, among the changes introduced by the new modulation is the authorization of "occasional walks and baths from 07:00 to 08:45", maintaining the general hours of the beaches from 09:00 to 21:00. In the new special schedule for baths and walks, the beaches must be accessed through the authorized entry and exit points, not being allowed to stay in the sand in that strip. At this point, Toni Pérez has advanced that "the number of accesses to the beach increases, from 20 to 30: 1 in Mal Pas, 13 in Levante and 16 in Poniente".
Toni Pérez reported that “starting today, you will be able to walk along the 6-meter strip between the shore and the area of stay, always keeping the safety distance of 1.5 meters, the use of a mask being mandatory, according to the decree dictated by the Government of Spain on June 9 ”. In this 6 meter strip, only children under 10 years of age will be allowed to stay.
Besides as a novelty, "sports practice is authorized in the areas enabled permanently for beach volleyball and soccer." However, and as established by state regulations, the prohibition of all types of games outside these spaces remains, and the biblioplaya, the children's playgrounds, biohealth and kalestenia will continue to be closed.
Mal Pas beach and coves
Regarding the management of Mal Pas beach, the mayor has indicated that the space will continue to be divided into "two equal parts": the free half and the other half for hammocks by the concessionaire. However, the free part becomes delimited by plots, just like on Levante and Poniente beaches.
As regards the coves of l'Almadrava i Ti Ximo, due to their size and their non-urban character, they remain outside the parcel system. In both, the control of gauging and safety distances is carried out through the lifeguard and police surveillance service.