The team records the last sequences of the TVE fiction that could not be filmed due to inclement weather
Benidorm dismisses the shooting of the series 'Fugitiva'

The city of Benidorm has bid farewell to the filming of the series 'Fugitiva', starring the actress Paz Vega that RTVE broadcasts on Thursdays in La 1 on prime-time schedule. The production team and part of the cast of actors had moved again to Benidorm to shoot the last sequences that at the time could not be filmed by the weather. On this occasion the weather has been favorable and the team of the series has had two magnificent spring days.
Filming sets have been installed these days on Mal Pas beach and also in the vicinity of the Tower of Les Caletes and Ti Ximo cove. That's where the mayor, Toni Pérez, moved with the councilors of Culture and Urban Scene, Ana Pellicer and José Ramón González de Zárate; and the manager of Visit Benidorm Foundation, Leire Bilbao; who thanked the artistic and technical team for their stay in Benidorm, their work and the extraordinary presence of images of the city in the series.
The filming of 'Fugitiva' in Benidorm has lasted for six weeks and has left an indirect impact on the city that exceeds half a million euros.
With only two chapters issued to date, the series is already positioned as the most watched television fiction, exceeding 3 million viewers, and adds more than 400,000 views on TVE A la Carta. In addition, in the two deliveries issued, the #Fugitiva hastag has been 'trendic topic' even in spite of tough competition.
The mayor assured that "the absolute involvement of the private initiative, led by Hosbec and other local companies, and coordinated by Visit Benidorm Foundation and Benidorm City Council through the Film Office, has made it possible to turn this opportunity into a excellent instrument of promotion of our tourist destination ".
The third chapter of 'Fugitiva' is broadcast tonight at 22.40 in La 1.