Toni Pérez insists on the need to comply with the SDGs and on "measuring, verifying and applying Smart Tourism to optimize results"
Benidorm is committed to global sustainability

The Autonomous Secretary Colomer is committed to a "reputational comeback of tourism so that no one questions it" and the Secretary General of Hosbec asks "to reinvent the sector as an exemplary in terms of employment"
The first Conference on Hotel Sustainability and Social Responsibility took place this morning in Benidorm City Hall with a mixed formula, presence and telematics, analyzing issues related to SDG 5, 6, 7 and 8, always focused on aspects of global sustainability and parameters of social sustainability, after showing the most efficient examples in water and energy, as well as in decent work and economic growth.
At the closing ceremony, Mayor Toni Pérez highlighted the “intense working day” experienced and recalled that “five years and five months ago we were talking about a more sustainable DTI Benidorm” and that based on collective effort and determination it has been achieved , especially valuing the sustainable component of Benidorm, for which he encouraged "to work in this sense to lead the future".
Pérez stressed that "we are on the right track" and that initiatives like this, from the Pedro Zaragoza Chair, contribute to stimulating interest in advancing in this field in which "measuring and verifying", which Benidorm took on as a challenge, were the constant to achieve the DTI certification, noting that this "was and is the key to success."
Benidorm, the mayor recalled, is aligned with the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda where the issue of sustainability prevails in all the actions it develops: "assessing carbon footprint, measuring water footprint or developing the Municipal Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change". The keys are, Pérez said, "in complying with the SDG17 and developing alliances to meet all the objectives." In this sense, he encouraged to "apply Smart Tourism, analyze and work on the data, to obtain the highest return."
He congratulated ‘Pedro Zaragoza Orts’ Department of Tourism Studies for the organization and the speakers for their participation and transfer of knowledge, encouraging them to maintain the spirit of research and analysis transferred in the working sessions of the day.
The primary objective was to publicize the opportunities of sustainable tourism focused on the hotel segment, where Benidorm exercises its leadership, focusing on three thematic blocks to share experiences, develop knowledge and focus on Social Responsibility policies in terms of income, employment and impacts. environmental, economic and social. Also, on the enhancement of certifications to comply with international standards on sustainability for the positioning of hotels.
The Regional Secretary for Tourism, Francesc Colomer, congratulated the organization "for the call, the content, the challenge and the significance" and highlighted the government actions that have led to this analysis carried out today in Benidorm "from a perpetual vocation of learning ”While encouraging“ fleeing the temptation of conformity and tackling challenges ”such as sustainability.
Colomer asked that "no one question tourism" because "although they do not know it" in the Valencian Community "there are many who live from it", highlighting that "without tourism there would be no economy, no viability, no progress, no hope", encouraging "a reputational comeback in tourism."
Nuria Montes, as general secretary of Hosbec, at the end of the day advocated for "greater public-private collaboration in sustainability initiatives" putting the example of Benidorm, pointing out "the commitment to the territory", while pointing out obstacles to other administrations to develop sustainability projects.
Montes pointed out that “the challenge of tomorrow is social sustainability”, encouraging “reinventing the sector as an exemplary one in terms of employment”.
Finally, the Secretary General of Hosbec asked for a reflection exercise "in the face of information that questions the safety and integrity of a tourist destination because it affects the sustainability of its social, labor and business fabric."
Development of the Conference
At 9:30 am, the director of the Chair, Armando Ortuño, presented the conference that immediately began block One where the speakers were presenting the novelties in affordable energy through renewable gases and examples of excellence in operation. hotel. Block Two analyzed decent work and economic growth under the premise of guaranteeing a dignified life that harmonizes everything together with the commitment, which came from the table, to deepen the improvement of working and training conditions in the sector.
Finally, a panel of expert consultants analyzed the sustainability, the seals and the protocols in search of the leadership of the industry and the sector, asking for honesty when communicating and the reciprocal connection between the hotel and the destination, as a local community.