The club members show their interpretive and musical talent during 'Día de les Penyes', which they enjoyed massively yesterday
Bavallons and A Tot Arreu clubs, winners of the Children's and Adult Playback contests

Bavallons and A Tot Arreu clubs were the winners of the Children's and Adult Playback contests, which were held last night at Julio Iglesias auditorium in Parque de l'Aigüera as part of the activities organized by the Associació de Penyes 'Verge del Sofratge' on the occasion of Dia de les Penyes, A Day of the Penyes that the people enjoyed massively.
In the Adult contest, Penya A Tot Arreu and her memory of Michael Jackson's song 'Thriller' won the first prize. Sense Pressa and La Resistència obtained a second and third place, with their proposals 'Bulería' by David Bisbal and King Africa's version of 'Paquito el chocolatero'. To close the event and out of competition, the Queen Major of the Festes Majors Patronal, Aila Merenciano, and her ladies took the stage at Julio Iglesias to stage ABBA.
In the Children's category, the victory went to Penya Bavallons with the Grease number. Together with her, the Sembrant Festa, L'Espardenya, and El Gos i la Tortuga clubs participated in the contest, obtaining the second, third, and fourth prizes respectively. Outside the competition, the public was also able to see the performance of the Children's Queen of the Festes Majors Patronals, Chloe D'Hebboudt, and her court of honor, who paid tribute to Rafaella Carra.
All the participating clubs in each modality obtained a cash prize.
The mayor, Toni Pérez; the mayor of Fiestas, Jesús Carrobles; the Major and Child Queens of the Festes Majors Patronals; the president of the Association, Adrián Romero; and the president of the Comissió de Festes Majors Patronals, José Vicente Fuster, were in charge of handing out the awards to the winning clubs.
After both contests, the activity continued in Julio Iglesias auditorium with a club party enlivened by DJs Aitor Belda and Dann Valero.