The students of the IES Bernat de Sarrià will travel to France in May within this same exchange program
52 French Secondary students arrive in Benidorm in a new Erasmus project

A group of 52 French students from the first to the fourth year of Secondary Education have arrived in Benidorm to spend the whole week in an exchange program as part of a new Erasmus project. The French students, who will attend classes at the IES Bernat de Sarrià until next Friday while staying in the homes of local families, have had their initial day today in which they have been received by the managers of the center, their new classmates and the Councilor for Education, Mayte Moreno.
In the presentation, which took place in the Assembly Hall of the institute, the mayor welcomed them and wished them to have "the best of experiences" while encouraging them to "enjoy the city during the days that they are here”. An act that has also served for French students to introduce themselves to their new classmates.
The IES Bernat de Sarrià has been awarded an Erasmus KA 120 accreditation, a new accreditation system that will facilitate the application for subsidies by potential beneficiaries within the framework of the new program for the period 2021-2027, which will allow students from the center to travel abroad in the coming years.
In this sense, the Councilor for Education advanced that the students of Bernat de Sarrià will travel to France next May to complete an experience similar to the one their French colleagues are now having.