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The XXII Music Contest will focus on the saxophone in this edition

105 students from six countries participate in the XXXII International Music Course of Benidorm

01 July 2021
105 alumnos de seis países participan en el XXXII Curso Internacional de Música de Benidorm

Teachers and students will offer free concerts throughout the week

From July 4 to 9, the thirty-second edition of the International Music Course will be held in Benidorm and the twenty-second of the Music Contest organized by the Department of Culture coordinated by Jaime Jesús Pérez and which will bring together the best teachers in Benidorm. the best promises of classical music of the moment.

One hundred and five students from five countries who come to Benidorm have enrolled in the course, attracted by the quality and demand of the event, the renown of its teachers and the attention to the music that is dispensed by the public in the concerts that throughout the week are offered in the Assembly Hall of Benidorm City Council

The faculty is once again made up of the cellist Michal Dmochowski, trained at the Chopìn Academy in Warsaw and artistic director of the Europa of the Gate project until 2016; the pianist Angel Sanzo, piano professor at Alfonso X University of Madrid, is one of the most sought-after musical educators in Europe; the trumpeter Ernesto Chuliá Ramiro, professor at “José Iturbi” in Valencia and awarded in previous editions of this course; the Muscovite Savva Fatkulin, from the Fatkulin Academy in Madrid and Bonn, will teach the violin classes and the saxophone classes will be given by the professors Simon Diriq, the Adolphe Sax grand prizes and the XXI Benidorm Music Contest, and David Pons, Professor of the Conservatory of Murcia and collaborator of the National Orchestra of Spain.

The Councilor for Culture has highlighted the importance of resuming the academic activity of this "highly demanded international music course, due to the quality and value of teachers and instrumentalists" that this year has "77 active students and 28 listeners, which maintains to 23 on the waiting list, saxophone being the most demanded specialty with 30 registered ”. Cello with 22, trumpet with 21, piano with 17 and violin with 15 students complete the list of admitted students who will also enjoy parallel activities, exhibitions and workshops.

This year, mobility limitations have only allowed registrations from the United Kingdom, Qatar, Serbia, Denmark and Belgium, which has been used by the autonomous communities to increase their participation, being the students of the Valencian Community, due to their proximity and musical passion , the most numerous, followed by those of the Community of Madrid and Andalusia. “All of Spain is represented in the student body, which congratulates us and encourages us for new calls”.
One of the main characteristics of this course, said the councilor, is "the piano accompaniment for classes and performances, which reinforces the position of the Benidorm International Course in the international cast." Outstanding pianists who specialize in the accompanying instrument are in charge of these tasks. Thus, Stefanos Spanopoulos accompanies on sax, Pepe Gallego on trumpet, Liza Yaroshinshaia on violin and Graham Jackson on cello.

And one of the strengths of this course, Pérez stressed, is "the Music Contest that this year reaches its twenty-second edition, dedicated to the saxophone‘ In Memoriam Pedro Iturralde ’". Participating in it, he explained, "those enrolled as active students", with three interpretive sections, "opting for three prizes in competition that include musical material and species, economic endowment and the opening of the opening concert of the next academic year, in 2022, for the winner".

"This is a first-rate incentive that completes the cast of teachers and companions," said Pérez, who recalled that students, teachers and partners of the 3 bands and the Conservatory are awarded a scholarship by the Benidorm City Council "so that Benidorm musicians also can enjoy the course ”.


From July 4 to 9, in the Assembly Hall of the City Hall, a series of concerts have been programmed in which outstanding teachers and students offer a varied repertoire of pieces and a selection of instruments that make up the exterior projection of the course and encourage students to participate.

For this year, the inaugural concert of the course, on Sunday, July 4, will be given by Julia Tripodo Ponce (cello), winner of the XXI Benidorm Music Contest, which will be accompanied by Miguel Ángel Ortega Chavaldas on the piano.
The program from Monday 5 to Friday 9 July is made up of the following recitals: Ángel Sanzo (piano), Ernesto Chuliá (trumpet) and Pepe Gallego (piano) on Monday 5; Simón Diricq (saxophone), David Pons (saxophone) and Stefanos Spanopoulos (piano), on Tuesday 6; on Wednesday 7 will take place the final of the XXII Benidorm in memoriam Pedro Iturralde Music contest. Saxophone Specialty. On Thursday 8, the concert will be performed by the active students of this XXXII International Music Course in Benidorm, and on Friday, as a culmination, the final concert will be performed by Michal Dmochowski (cello), Graham Jackson (piano), Savva Fatkulin (violin), Liza Yaroshinskaia (piano), the winner of the XXII Benidorm Music Contest and Stefanos Spanopoulos (piano), after which the closing ceremony will take place.
All concerts, free of charge, will begin at 9:00 p.m., and all health measures and protocols in force must be kept.


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