Mrs Ana María Soliveres Tomás
She was born in 1975. Married with two children: Jorge and Marc.
She has a diploma in Labor Relations from Jaume I University of Castellón.
She graduated in Labor Relations and Human Resources from the Francisco de Vitoria University of Madrid.
Master of European Financial Advisor, UNED.
Gold Medal for merit at work by the Hon. Official College of Social Graduates of Alicante.
Profession: adviser and labour management to companies. Own company for 25 years.
Member of the Executive Committee of the Popular Party of Benidorm since 2012.
Component of the Benidorm Falla since 1992.
Mayoral of the Major Patron Saint Festivals in 2010 and 2022.
Mayoral de les Festes de Sant Antoni 2024.
Her hobbies include participating in our customs and traditions, reading and listening to music and especially walking along our beaches.
This is her first term.