Hundreds of residents participate in the funeral procession organized by the Association of Penyes ‘Verge del Sofratge’
The Burial of the Sardine marks the end o the Benidorm Carnival

Benidorm Carnival said goodbye last night with the traditional Burial of the Sardine, which, always on Tuesday, and organized by the Association of Penyes 'Verge del Sofratge' (Verge del Sofratge) in collaboration with the Department of Fiestas, brings the days of Don Carnal's reign to a close. The celebration arrived a week late this year due to the delay of the carnival because of weather conditions.
Before 9:00 p.m., the club members gathered at Casa del Fester to depart for the Plaza Mayor, where the festival-goers were scheduled to mourn in strict mourning to bid farewell to the 2025 Carnival.
The Councilor for Fiestas, Mariló Cebreros, and several local councilors participated in the unusual parade. Regional representative José Ramón González de Zárate also attended, showing his support for the city's largest festival-going community, chaired by Jonathan López de las Huertas.
This year, artist Carlos Vaya created the monument of the sardine that was carried on the shoulders of the club members, paraded around the downtown in a resounding and heartfelt funeral procession. The queens of the 2025 Festes Majors Patronals, Paula Pascual and Aitana Pérez, also participated, along with their court of honor and the Vice President of the Commission, Rafael Doménech Donate.
The club members carried their colorful Sardine from Plaza Mayor and travelled along Tomás Ortuño, Escuelas, and Ruzafa streets and then along Paseo de la Carretera, arrived at Elche Park, where the fire consumed the last vestige of this year's carnival.