A show at popular prices in which the Comissió de Festes Majors Patronals collaborates
The Council of the Bullring has scheduled two events for this summer in collaboration with the Commission of Festes Majors Patronals and the company Tauroemoción, which will take place on 21 July and 11 August.
The Councilor of the Bullring, Jesús Carrobles, along with the representative of the promoter company, Javier Palomeque, have announced this afternoon the show on Friday, July 21 that will be "new and different", something innovative "that has never been seen and that is the first time it is going to be done in the city": the bullfighting artists will appear as it the bullring was the circus of Rome, dressed like gladiators, the Gladiators of the 21st century.
Javier Palomeque has indicated that there will be a "serious part" that will be "gladiators making cuts and jumps" but there will also be another comic where they will be "Don Tancredo, Rocker, Manso, Humano and famous characters of animation". A show "for all audiences", has qualified.
The prices of this comic bullfighting trimmer show will be 12 euros the general entrance, 7 euros for children under 14 years and free for children under 6 who come accompanied by adults. Tickets can be purchased from today until the day of the show at Plaza de la Hispanidad kiosk and at the ticket office on Friday the 21st.
About the event of August, the department have only advanced that it will be a show of equestrian dressage.