The City Council requests a subsidy to hire a person with this profile for nine months
Benidorm participates in 'Avalem Capacitats' employment program for the hiring of personnel with mental health problems

Gómez recalls that funds have also been requested to hire eight people with disabilities
The Benidorm City Council is going to request a subsidy to participate in the Avalem Capacitats program to hire an unemployed person with a severe mental disorder or serious mental health problems for nine months. The Councilor for Employment and Local Development, Mónica Gómez, explained that "through this contract, we continue to promote employment among the groups that present the greatest difficulties when it comes to accessing the labor market."
In this sense, she has indicated that "last May we already asked LABORA for another subsidy to hire eight unemployed people with disabilities also for nine months within the same program"; and she recalled that "the last Public Employment Offer (OEP) approved by the City Council last December covers a total of 26 places, all of which will be reserved for people with disabilities or functional diversity."
As Gómez has detailed, this line of the Avalem Capacitats program, which is going to be attended, can now participate in the Town Halls that, like Benidorm, have SASEM -Attention and Follow-up Service for people with Serious Mental Health problems-; and the amount of the subsidy requested through the Employment and Local Development Agency at the proposal of the SASEM of Benidorm amounts to 17,959.73 euros.
It will be the SASEM of each beneficiary local entity that will select the worker of this program, according to the therapeutic suitability of the action, the clinical situation of the patient, and other objectifiable considerations.
The final recipients of the Avalem Capacitats program are unemployed people with disabilities who are registered as job seekers in the Espais LABORA of the Generalitat. By the bases, a person with a disability is understood to be one affected by a recognized degree of disability equal to or greater than 33%, as well as Social Security pensioners who have a recognized total, absolute, or severe permanent disability pension.