The works have a budget of 2,510,416 euros and will be 50% co-financed by the City Council and the FEDER Funds
Benidorm awards the works for the construction of the new Municipal Mediation Center

It is a performance by EDUSI of BENIDORM and will be located on Portugal Avenue.
The Governing Board of Benidorm City Council has awarded Construcciones Francés SA the construction of the MUNICIPAL MEDIATION CENTER for an offer of 2,510,416 euros, a measure of the city's Sustainable, Integrated Urban Development Strategy (EDUSI). This new center will offer the municipal mediation service free of charge to the citizens of Benidorm, an innovative service that will help manage conflicts between two parties to prevent disputes from ending up in court.
For the mayor, Toni Pérez, "improving the social care of our citizens is essential, and in this new Center of more than 600 square meters we will offer a free service, useful for citizens, demonstrating once again that Benidorm is at the forefront in social attention”.
The new Municipal Mediation Center will thus be configured as an innovative 666-square-meter building on Avenida Portugal, in the Els Tolls neighborhood. A large space distributed over two floors will include service offices, a training room, and meeting rooms next to the waiting and citizen service areas. The design, in white concrete, will also revitalize the aesthetics of this residential neighborhood that is part of the EDUSI Benidorm area of action.
In this way, the Municipal Mediation Social Center joins the varied offer of social care spaces in Benidorm. This new building, which follows the line of improvement of public services, responds to Line of Action 11 of the EDUSI Benidorm that seeks the "conditioning and improvement of the endowments for social care, labor insertion, and citizen participation, optimizing the management and the use of public spaces” concluded the mayor.
The Plurirregional Operational Program of Spain 2014-2020, and the Operational Program for Sustainable Growth (POCS) promote the DUSI strategy, for Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development, which Benidorm, as established in the Resolution of May 4, 2018, published in The Official State Gazette (BOE) of the Order of the Third Call HFP/888/2017, has managed to opt for and obtain financing from the FEDER aid of 10 Million Euros, through its EDUSI BENIDORM strategy.
The EDUSI BENIDORM is made up of a series of thematic, specific, strategic, and operational objectives, encompassed through 13 Lines of Action, whose social, environmental, economic, and urban impact on the city aims to transform a delimited urban area of the city to improve it.