Toni Pérez will once again preside over the municipal Corporation, in which the PSOE will have 8 councilors and Vox with 1
The PP expands its absolute majority and reaches its historical maximum with 16 councilors

Participation stands at 56.07%, almost three points more than in 2019
The candidacy of the Popular Party of Benidorm, led by Toni Pérez, has managed to expand its absolute majority and reach its historical maximum in municipal elections: 16 councilors out of the 25 that make up the municipal Corporation. In this way, Toni Pérez will once again preside over the Corporation, adding his third consecutive term.
With complete scrutiny, the PP has collected 57.03% of the votes -13,961-, improving the results of 2019 by more than 17 points. The PSOE has been the second force with the most votes, with 27.25% of the support -6,673 votes-, and will have 8 councilors; while Vox will have a councilor having obtained 6.36% -1,551 votes-. The rest of the formations that participated in the municipal elections have not reached the 5% of votes necessary to obtain representation. In total, a total of 24,314 voters have exercised their right to vote in Benidorm.
Participation stood at 56.07%, almost three points more than in 2019. At 2:00 p.m., the participation was above that registered in the previous municipal elections: 33.80 % compared to 30.02% four years ago. The same situation occurred at 6:00 p.m., when turnout rose to 45.68%, almost five points more than on the previous electoral date.
Regarding the regional elections, at 100% scrutinized, the PP has been the most voted party in Benidorm with 49.15% of support, ahead of PSOE (28.94%), Vox (8.57 %) and Compromís (5.84%).
Previous municipal elections
In 2019, 12 political formations appeared in Benidorm. On that occasion, the PP was also the party with the most votes with 39.68% of the votes cast, thus achieving the support of 9,162 voters, which translated into 13 councilors and an absolute majority. The following were: PSOE, with 31.74% of the votes -7,328- and 10 councilors; and Cs, who obtained 8.73% of the support -2,016- and two councilors.