The Corporation reiterates the request to change the current Law on financing treatment facilities
Benidorm approves requesting the revision of the PORN of Serra Gelada to create ponds for agricultural use

The plenary session accepts the donation of audiovisual material from the late 1950s made by a German citizen; and the free transfer of the roadmenders' house on Vía Emilio Ortuño
Government and Cs show their support for the FCSE in the face of the announced modification of the Citizen Security Law
The plenary session of the Benidorm City Council has approved today by a majority, with the votes in favor of PP and Cs and the abstention of the socialist group, to once again ask the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development, Climate Emergency and Ecological Transition to review the articles of the Natural Resources Management Plan (PORN) for Serra Gelada and its coastal zone. A modification that would allow the creation of rafts for agricultural use and that was already requested after its full approval in October 2018.
The proposal considers that in this way a better management of water resources will be made possible in a sustainable way "in accordance with the axis of reuse of treated water of the Spanish Circular Economy Strategy, which would result in a positive effect on the environment and on the fight against fires ”, according to the motion.
The councilor for the Water Cycle, José Ramón González de Zárate, recalled that "three years ago we asked for this modification to create rafts for agricultural use, but they have not even answered us." The mayor has insisted that the change in the articles would also make it possible "to regenerate the quarry, fix the trails of Serra Gelada and put an end to the problems we are having in cleaning, besides that it would be good for the fires to have a line more to drink water from ”.
González de Zárate has regretted that “we have not had a response from the Ministry and it is only fair that it does so and modify what we are asking for, not the entire law. It is necessary to agree on modifications that are of general interest ”. The councilor has stressed that "it is not a political proposal" and has remarked that "it is positive not only for farmers but to prevent fires, because there is no maintenance by the Department. They give us very good words, but they don't do anything ”.
Unanimously, the request to the Valencian Courts and the Valencian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FVMP) to modify the current legislation regarding the financing of purification facilities in the system of competences in the management of the sanitation fee has gone ahead.
This petition was already approved by the plenary on November 30, 2020 "although to date we have not received any response" as explained by councilor José Ramón González de Zárate. What is intended, he has said, is that local entities "can carry it out adequately and complying with the regulatory framework that is applicable to them."
On the other hand, the government team has removed from the agenda the motion to once again ask the General Directorate of Roads of the Ministry of Development for the transfer of free ownership of the section of the N-332 highway that runs between kilometer points 149,200 and 152,300 of the municipal term. A petition that was already approved in plenary session on October 26, 2020 in the same terms as now.
The proposal has been withdrawn "to agree on it with the rest of the municipal groups during the month of December and bring it back to the plenary jointly as a proposal from the Board of Spokespersons."
With the unanimous vote of the Corporation, the donation made by the German citizen Maximilam Greeven to the City Council of audiovisual material about his family vacations dated in 1957 and 1958 has been accepted. This material, compiled on a DVD of one hour and 13 seconds of duration "collects color images" in which you can see "the bay of Benidorm from a boat, the island, the port, the Castell, Elche park and Levante beach", where the traditional chalets coexisted with the construction of the first apartment buildings.
The Councilor for Historical and Cultural Heritage, Ana Pellicer, has highlighted that “both for its content and for its support, this donation constitutes a valuable material that comes to complement in video format in the documentary fund of the Municipal Archive, which has an important volume of graphic material contributed, donated or assigned by local or private photographers; at the same time that it contributes to bear witness to the recent past and evolution of Benidorm in the last decades ”.
Hence, she has highlighted the “great informative value” of the material contributed by Maximiliam Greeven; to whom Pellicer thanked on behalf of the city for her generosity, since with her donation she contributes to “continue increasing the historical and cultural heritage of Benidorm”.
Also, the mayor has advanced that "with the material that we have from the latest video donations" received by the Municipal Archive "a next exhibition is being prepared."
Also unanimously, the plenary session has accepted "the free transfer" by the Ministry of Finance of the road laborer house located on Vía Emilio Ortuño number 25 to be used for "a new administrative extension and a civic center." The mayor of General Heritage, Jaime Jesús Pérez, recalled that the City Council requested this transfer by plenary agreement in February 2020 ”.
Pérez has highlighted the "intense work" carried out by the Department to complete the process of this assignment "and added that with the launch of the new services" we continue to bring the Administration closer to the public ", while addressing the proposal neighborhood moved in reference to this property. After accepting the assignment, collected in an act signed last week by the mayor, Toni Pérez, the City Council will proceed to register the assignment in the Property Registry and in the municipal Inventory, as well as its qualification as a municipal public domain asset.
Also unanimously, the renewal of Benidorm Municipal School Council has been approved, as well as the date for the election of the representatives of directors of public and private centers in said body, which will be held on December 10. The School Council will maintain the current structure of members and will incorporate into it a representative of the Social Services of the City Council.
With the vote of the local government, the proposal of the Municipal Group of the Popular Party has prospered to urge the Senate and Congress of Deputies to observe and respect article 145.1 of the Spanish Constitution that prohibits the federation of Autonomous Communities, and article 1 of the Statute d'Autonomia so that the denomination of the Valencian Community is not violated. It also asks both chambers not to process parliamentary proposals that "include in some way the Valencian Community in the non-existent and unconstitutional‘ Països Catalans ’or that use the name‘ Pais Valencià ’".
Unanimously, a joint motion of the three groups has been approved to develop an awareness, sensitization and information campaign for the prevention of suicide, in collaboration with the Conselleria de Sanitat Universal i Salut Pública; and demand from it a new Regional Mental Health Strategy for the next four years, thus updating the plan planned for 2016-2020.
The motion also includes promoting suicide prevention among young people in Benidorm, in collaboration with the Department of Public Health, providing educational personnel with information so that they can detect any type of suicidal behavior in the educational community. Finally, it demands that collaboration be promoted with groups linked to the Security Forces and Bodies in actions that can be developed for the prevention of suicide among them.
In the same session, an order from the Contentious Administrative Court number 3 of Alicante of last October 4 was reported that denied the request of an individual for the extension of a resource linked to the APR-7 agreements. Likewise, it has also realized the agreement of the Consultative Committee of the Territorial Plan for Tourist Sustainability in Destination 2021 Comunitat Valenciana, which leaves the city of Benidorm out of the distribution of Next Generation funds.
In addition, he has noticed the change of exclusive dedication of the socialist municipal group; and of a sentence of last April that declared the Zaragoza Fuster Foundation extinguished.
Urgency motion
Finally, a joint urgency motion of PP and Ciudadanos groups has been approved by majority to urge the Government of Spain to withdraw "any initiative to modify the Citizen Security Law in the announced terms", as well as "Defend the maintenance of their dignity, privacy and the principle of authority that current legislation assures" to the State Security Forces and Bodies and that they "have the appropriate material means to carry out their work."
The motion highlights that the application of this law has been "fundamental" for the implementation of control measures to prevent the spread of the Covid pandemic and, in fact, "it has been used regularly by the current Government" . "The attacks on this law have been based on criteria purely political and with partisan political arguments," the motion concludes.