Twelve women from the associations, breast cancer survivors, are the architects of this feat
Anémona achieves its solidarity challenge and collects 10,800 euros for research after 24 hours rowing

Anémona Marina Baixa, the association for women with breast and gynecological cancer in Benidorm and the region, has completed this Saturday the solidarity challenge “24 hours of uninterrupted indoor rowing Concept 2”, with which they have managed to raise 10,800 euros donated entirely to Geicam, the leading group in breast cancer research in our country. The mayor of Benidorm, Toni Pérez, along with other members of the Municipal Corporation, accompanied the women of Anémona in the final moments of this challenge and congratulated them for this “great success” and for the donation made to the Special Breast Cancer Research Group." For this reason, the first mayor encouraged them “to continue” in achieving new challenges.
The protagonists of this challenge, who have achieved an “epic and memorable” feat, are women over 50 years old who have survived breast cancer and who regularly practice the sport of rowing: Elena Gosàlbez, Pura Bravo, Belinda García, Carmen Izquierdo, Maries Felipe, Yolanda González, María José Martín, Conchi Francés, Cristina Milne, Isabel Claveras, Rosa García and María Botella, president of Anémona and who has also been in charge of rowing the last two minutes of this challenge, with which are also going to break a world record. And all with the support of dozens of volunteers and people who have wanted to join them throughout these 24 hours, under coach Ramón Garrigós's orders.
The activity has had the collaboration of the Benidorm City Council, the Department of Equality, Benidorm Yacht Club, and other collaborating entities and companies.