The lights of Levante, Poniente and La Cruz were extinguished during 'Earth hour'

Benidorm joined last night to 'Earth Hour' turning off the lights in three of its most emblematic places: Levante, Poniente and La Cruz. The initiative, launched since 2007 by the UK's Nature Conservation Association (WWF), aims to fight against climate change and has become a symbol in favor of sustainability, seconded from the most emblematic places and monuments of all the world.
'Earth Hour' was held on Saturday, from 20.30 to 21:30 in more than 220 cities around the world. For one hour, the lights of the main buildings, monuments or locations of each of these cities remained unnoticed in protest of the excessive consumption of energy in the western society and to demand the reduction of CO2 emissions.
In Benidorm, the Department of the Environment erased the garlands of the Paseo de Levante, the lighting of the architectural wall of Paseo de Poniente, as well as the monument of the Cruz de Serra Gelada, visible from much of the municipality.
The mayor of the Environment of Benidorm, José Ramón González de Zárate, stressed that, beyond joining gestures like this, "the commitment of the City Council with sustainability and the reduction of CO2 emissions is more than evident, as demonstrated by the Energy saving measures adopted in the last year and a half ", where traditional lighting has gradually been replaced by LED systems, which significantly reduce electricity consumption.