The Espai d'Art hosts the exhibition 'No soy tu chiste' a cultural proposal in the context of Benidorm Pride

This afternoon has been inaugurated in the Espai d'Art of Benidorm City Hall the exhibition of paintings and posters 'Yo no soy tu chiste', by Daniel Arzola, who comes from Triangle Foundation and the Ministry of Youth of Extremadura. The event was attended by the councilwoman of Social Welfare, Angela Llorca, council members like Lorenzo Martínez, Josep Bigorra, Lorenzo Medina and representatives of the organization of Benidorm Pride.
The exhibition will be open until September 16 and is part of the cultural activities planned on the occasion of the celebration of 'Bernidorm Pride' in our city, bringing together these days thousands of people. After inaugurating the exhibition, it was held a conference about LGBT rights in the assembly hall of the City Council, in charge of José María Nuñez, president of the Triangle Foundation in defense of LGBT rights.