The Department allocates 110,000 euros to these grants, which in 2019 have benefited about a hundred families
Education opens the deadline to request grants for psychopedagogical treatments

The Department of Education opens tomorrow, November 5, the deadline to request grants for psycho-pedagogical treatments for the year 2020. The councillor of Education, Maite Moreno, recalled that these grants "are aimed at collaborating with the expenses incurred by the families in the private treatments that schoolchildren receive from the city's schools and institutes, registered in Benidorm, who present difficulties and / or learning or behavior disorders ”.
Moreno has advanced that "in the 2020 budget we are going to reserve an item of 110,000 euros for these grants, which are granted for a maximum period of 11 months and that in this 2019 they have reached about a hundred families." Specifically, this year 93 grants have been granted, more than 80% of those requested. Of these, 53.76% have gone to pay for learning treatments; 22.58% to language treatments; 20.97% of behavior; and 2.69%, of stimulation.
According to data provided by the councilor, these grants range between 95 and 135 euros per month, with a maximum amount per student during the entire period between 1,045 and 1,485 euros.
The head of Education has stressed that "year by year we have been increasing the budget for these grants, thus strengthening our commitment to schoolchildren and their families."
The treatments that can be paid for with these grants are those aimed at overcoming reading-writing and / or learning difficulties, improving oral language, treating school maladjustment and behavioral disorders; as well as early stimulation in cases outside the Association for Early Care service. Sometimes these private treatments are needed, well because minors cannot receive them at the school itself, or because they need to be reinforced.
The deadline to apply for these grants ends on November 21. Interested persons can download the forms and / or consult the rules in the Education section of the municipal website (, in the Education department located on the third floor of the Town Hall, or in the Municipal Psychopedagogical Cabinet .