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The councillor recalls that in August the public body was asked for permission to undertake the fire prevention project.

De Zárate: “We are working on the Xixo ravine with periodic cleanings while waiting for the CHJ to authorize El Moralet project”

06 March 2025
De Zárate: “Estamos actuando en el barranco de Xixo con limpiezas periódicas a la espera de que la CHJ autorice el proyecto de El Moralet”

The Councillor for Parks and Gardens, José Ramón González de Zárate, has clarified today that “the Town Hall is acting in the Xixo ravine to the extent that we can, with periodic cleaning and pruning, waiting for the Júcar Hydrographic Confederation (CHJ) to authorise us for the El Moralet fire prevention project finally”. The councillor has thus responded to the press release issued today by the socialist group on a report from the Seprona regarding the ravine bed; “a report that the PSOE has neglected to say has also been sent to the director of the CHJ, who are responsible for that land”.

De Zárate has indicated that “we have reports that certify that the municipal concessionaires are cleaning the beds of all the ravines, including that of Xixo”. However, “the area requires a comprehensive action like the one we propose in the El Moralet project, which has not yet been tendered or awarded because the CHJ has not given us the authorization we requested in August.”

“Even so, the project is in the Contracting department and will later go to the Finance department with a suspensive clause, awaiting authorization from the Confederation,” he reported.

This project, the councilor has specified, includes, among other actions, the construction of a perimeter firebreak in the park, pruning and thinning work in wooded areas, the installation of eleven thermal fire cameras and the dismantling or demolition of several shacks built decades ago, as was already done at another point in El Moralet in a previous phase.

De Zárate stressed that “in recent years we have carried out several protective prunings, especially for the safety of the neighbours in the area, given the passivity of CHJ”, and “we have already begun the reorganisation and reduction of pigeon houses present in the area”.

Finally, the councillor for Parks and Gardens pointed out that “in this matter two circumstances have come together”: “more than 6 months of inaction” by the CHJ and “a toxic Socialist Party that is unaware of the regulations or pretends to be unaware of them”.

“We are talking – he added – about the same riverbed and the same area of ​​public hydraulic domain where the PSOE tried to make organic gardens in 2011, but in 2015, the PSOE forgot them”. Gardens that “finally the CHJ rejected because the land proposed by the PSOE was within the public hydraulic domain and this depends on the public body”.

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