The event is celebrated this Sunday and is organized by Deportes, La Festa El Calvari and the Club Atletismo Benidorm
It is expected a record of participation in the children's category with more than 1,500 schoolchildren
The 20th Diego Cano Enguera Prize will be for the tennis player María Martínez and for the Penya La Soca
Benidorm opens the 2017 running season on Sunday with the second longest run event in the Valencian Community, the Cross El Calvari, which this year marks its 38th edition and is jointly organized by the department of Deportes, La Festa El Calvari and Benidorm Athletics Club.
The test will take place this Sunday, March 12, and will have two categories: children and adults. The race in absolute category will be disputed starting at 10.00 hours from Martínez Alejos street, while the students will take the exit at 11.45.
This new edition of the race has been presented by the Councilor for Sports, Ana Pellicer; the president and vice-president of La Festa El Calvari, Alfonso Andrés and Francisco Más; and Javier Rosillo, vice president of the Athletics Club.
Pellicer explained that the test consists of a distance of 7,750 meters, which will be covered in two laps to a circuit that will tour the El Calvari neighborhood and nearby streets. Thus, the race will have as an exit and finish in Martínez Alejos street, to continue for Alameda de Don Pedro Zaragoza, Carmela Martínez street, El Torrejó square, Virgen del Sufragio, Alcoy, Madrid avenues, Castellón street, Mediterranean avenue, and Doctor Pérez Llorca avenue.
The councilwoman said that it is "a circuit and a very affordable distance for amateur runners who are starting in the world of running," and highlighted the "great role in the call in different schools "which are being carried out by the municipal sports monitors". In fact, the vice president of the Benidorm Athletics Club has predicted that this year, and thanks to the work of the monitors, "there will be a record of corridors" in the modality of children, since it is estimated that more than 1,500 students could participate among the categories of prebenjamines, benjamines, juveniles, infants, cadets and even babies.
Registration can be made until Friday at 11:00 pm on the website www.chiplevante.net, although the same day of the race will allow a quota of registrations of 50 people per category.
The president of the Festa El Calvari thanked all the sponsors of the event, and indicated that there will be trophies for the top three medals and medals for the children's categories.
In addition, Andrés has announced that the Diego Cano Enguera awards will be awarded on the occasion of this event, annually awarded to a festive entity and an athlete or sports entity "who have stood out the previous year or due to their career." Awards that in its 20th anniversary will be for the tennis player María Martínez - currently number 36 in the national ranking and who has been a member of the Spanish National Team - and for Penya La Soca in the festive setting.