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The test, which will be held on Saturday, has athletes from 23 different countries, of which 1,600 come from the United Kingdom

Benidorm Half breaks a record of participants and reaches 4,800 runners in the 10K and 21K

23 November 2023
La Benidorm Half bate un record de participantes y alcanza los 4.800 corredores en la 10K y 21K

The streets and avenues of Benidorm will host this coming Saturday, November 25, a new edition of the Benidorm Half which, in its two modalities of 10K and 21K, has surpassed the record of participants to a total of 4,800 runners. A figure that has exceeded the organization's most optimistic forecasts.

This morning the race presentation took place with the attendance of Mayor Toni Pérez, the Sports Councilor, Javier Jordá, and members of the municipal corporation, as well as those responsible for the organization and several elite athletes who will meet at the event.

There, Fernando Brotons, the visible head of Tour Sports, has reviewed the history of the event since they took charge of it and the growth it has had since just over 2,000 runners participated in 2018 until now when it was held. has broken the record with those 4,800.

Brotons has highlighted that even with the pandemic the race has not stopped being held, for which it had to be moved from the calendar and moved to March.

He has also highlighted the modifications introduced in the race to improve it and achieve more participation, such as the presence of elite runners alongside the popular ones or greater animation during the route.

On this occasion, the Benidorm Half will have among its athletes last year's champion, the Olympian Toni Abadía, and the runner-up David Palacio. But there will also be other prestigious runners such as Martín Fiz, Alexandra Tondeur, Cristina Juan, the Uruguayan Christian Zamora, or the Argentine María Luz Tesuri.

Toni Abadía has precisely highlighted that Benidorm “is one of the best-organized races in Spain” and has described as “impressive” how the event has grown from a few years to this point. David Palacio has also said that Saturday's race will be "a fantastic spectacle" and has ventured "a nice duel between Toni, Christian and me." Palacio has also highlighted “the encouragement that people give you during the tour, especially the British public. The truth is that last year I enjoyed it a lot and this year will be even more special.”

As for the race itself, Fernando Brotons has reported that along the route there will be 13 entertainment points with batukadas and DJs, which together with the encouragement of the public will make it "impossible for the runners to get bored." These points will be just over a kilometer apart from each other.

Regarding the profile of the participants, the director of the Benidorm Half has highlighted the large presence of runners from the United Kingdom, 1,600 in total, doubling the best record to date; some participants who their companions join. In addition to the British, there are participants of 57 nationalities from 23 countries. At the national level, runners from 45 Spanish provinces are counted. It is also notable that 38% of the participants will be women. A percentage that stands at 30% in the 21K test and rises to 47% in the 10K.

Benidorm Half has had the support and promotion of Visit Benidorm, whose manager, Leire Bilbao, has pointed out that five years ago, when the Half project began, “valuing the space that the city had for runners” was “a dream” now fulfilled. She added that due to the dynamics and schedule of the test “they generate overnight stays” in Benidorm, which “was the objective.” Bilbao has focused on how this sporting event makes it possible for participants to “get to know us through running and come back because they have fallen in love with the city.”

For his part, Mayor Toni Pérez, who closed the event, indicated that Benidorm Half is also “the race of a destination in pursuit of a position”; a destination and a city that “devote themselves to the event, to the athletes, and a great organization.” For this reason, he wanted to express his “gratitude and applause” for all those who make an effort in the city's sporting activity.

Pérez has also stated that the Benidorm Half is “an accessible and inclusive event and promotes equality.” In that sense, he was grateful that the race has been adapting to the growth and transformation of the city in recent years and has advanced that "now it will be the city that adapts to the race because these tests help as a city and as a destination.".

Side activities

As in previous years, and to "offer more experiences to the participants, the organization, together with Aurrerá Group, has launched the 'Run and Tapas' initiative, which will take place in the chain's establishments on Santo Domingo Street after the race at special prices.
Before the race, the GDance Half Marathon will also take place on Saturday morning from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Town Hall Square.

Health and security device

Benidorm Half will have a medical and health device made up of a mobile ICU, six ambulances, a field hospital at the finish line, 14 doctors, ten health workers, and 30 Red Cross volunteers. The security device, for its part, will be made up of a mayor, two inspectors, seven officers, and 14 agents from the stock exchange service, to which two other officers and 45 agents from the ordinary service will be added.

This operation will have 16 patrol vehicles, nine large-displacement motorcycles, twelve scooters, a van, and a drone.

For general information, it is reported that one hour before the start of the race the circuit will be closed to traffic, which will open as the runners pass by. It is expected that at 8:30 p.m. the entire route will be fully open to traffic.

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Corte voz 1 Fernando Brotons
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Corte voz 2 Toni Abadía
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Corte voz 3 Toni Abadía
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Corte voz 4 David Palacio
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Corte voz 5 Leire Bilbao
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Corte voz 6 Leire Bilbao
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