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The City Council declares the ‘Pere Maria Orts i Bosch Year’ on the centenary of the scholar's birth, and increases the protection of Tossal de La Cala site

Benidorm approves the beach services for June, which can be changed according to demand and needs

31 May 2021
Momento del pleno ordinario de mayo de 2021

The plenary session of the Corporation has given the green light to the services of  beaches for the month of June. The councilor of the deoartment, Mónica Gómez, has indicated that following the report of the Environment technician "it is necessary to increase services with respect to those of May due to the foreseeable increase in tourists and users", leaving those of the month of July and following according to “the evolution of the pandemic” and “the restrictions in force at that time”.

The agreement foresees "to maintain the subdivision of the sand in 16-square-meter grids, increase surveillance, rescue and cleaning services, open the third point of accessible beaches and increase health care points." With regard to the hammock rental service, "in principle it will continue to not be provided" during the month of June. However, "if its start-up is deemed convenient throughout the month, the company will assume the percentage of the expenses of the services provided that corresponds to the percentage of hammocks that is placed"; an amount that "will be deducted from the total cost" of beach management.

Gómez has stressed that "the organization of Benidorm's beaches will be modulated according to demand and use, and always under the premise of health safety, guaranteeing capacity and physical distance and ensuring at the same time the enjoyment of all users ”.

Also unanimously, it has been approved to officially declare ‘Pere Maria Orts i Bosch Year’, coinciding with the centenary of the birth of the historian, jurist, writer and Adoptive Child of Benidorm. This commemoration will run from July 5, 2021 to July 4, 2022 to “remember and disseminate his figure, work and legacy”, as stated in the approved proposal of the Board of Spokespersons.

Pere Maria Orts i Bosch is, as the text points out, “a capital figure for Benidorm”. Person "with close ties to Benidorm", in December 1985 he was declared Official Chronicler and Adoptive Child and in January 1986 the city "recognized his figure and crucial contribution to the study and recovery of" local "history, giving his name to the first center of Secondary Education of the municipality ”.

"Unrepeatable person", two of his fields of study were the Town Charter and the patroness saint of Benidorm. Thus, in the summer of 1963 he discovered in the General Archive of Simancas the documentation on the discovery of the Virgin of Benidorm, which he captured two years later in 'An image of the Virgin of Benidorm'. Later, in 1971 he published ‘Arribada d’ an image of the Verge a Benidorm ’, the basis for the declared representation of Tourist Interest that is staged annually by Associació Cultural i Recreativa La Barqueta.


Apart from this study about Benidorm's history, Pere Maria Orts i Bosch donated part of his legacy to the city. Thus, in the Plenary Hall six tapestries representing Valencian historical scenes are exhibited, now owned by the municipal government in compliance with the testamentary will of the scholar, which also included the donation of a portable ship's notary. In addition, his sister, Josefina Orts i Bosch, also showed her generosity by bequeathing to the people of Benidorm the collection of medals that Pere Maria received throughout his life from different entities and administrations.

His research and philanthropic work extended to the entire Valencian territory, which earned him different recognitions from institutions such as the Valencian Courts, the Valencian Academy of Llengua, the Valencian Council of Culture and the Royal Academy of San Carlos, to which the declaration of 'Pere Maria Orts i Bosch Year' will be sent in case they consider extending it to the rest of the Community.

In addition, the institutions to which the scholar bequeathed his artistic collection -Museu de Belles Arts Sant Pius V, a l'Arxiu del Regne de València and Bibliotca Valenciana Nicolàs Primitiu- will also be informed of the plenary agreement to try to carry out joint activities for this commemoration.

By majority, the plenary session has declared the site of the 'castellum' of Tossal de La Cala to be of "public utility" to "grant it the maximum guarantees of protection", taking into account "its historical-archaeological values" and "its heritage interest. and as a complement to the cultural tourist offer of Benidorm ”. The councillor of Historical Heritage, Ana Pellicer, has pointed out that "the relevance of this site is now endorsed by the inclusion in the Tourism Sustainability Plan of the new museum project."

In line with this circumstance, the responsible of the department has pointed out that "there are still several areas to be excavated in the immediate peripheral limits of the sectors so far intervened, all of them included in the protection environment of the proposal of Asset of Cultural Interest".

Pellicer recalled that "in recent years, the City Council has promoted the recovery and enhancement of the local historical heritage in order to preserve and publicize the past of the municipality and to diversify the complementary tourist offer", focusing part of the actions at this site, in which work has been done "in close collaboration and coordination with the University of Alicante". Now that the site has become "a benchmark of Roman military architecture of the time for archaeologists and scholars from around the world", the councilor has stressed the "need to give the site the maximum guarantees of protection."

By majority, the contract for l’Aigüera car park has been extended until the City Council can assume direct management of it. The Councilor for Mobility, José Ramón González de Zárate, explained that “according to the calculations of the municipal technicians, in a matter of two or three months the City Council may have contracted the company that will provide assistance in direct management and will be in charge of the collection , maintenance and cleaning of the facilities ”, preserving the current jobs. In this way, "in October it will be available to assume direct management and begin to apply bonuses of up to 60% for residents and clients of commercial, hotel and catering establishments in the downtown area."

De Zárate recalled that, in the meantime, and as of June 6, one hour of free parking will be offered in more than 1,100 parking spaces in this car park and in the other three public places -the ones located in Tomás Ortuño, El Mercado and Ametlla del Mar- for those who consume 20 euros in establishments in the city. To this offer of parking spaces managed by the City Council, there are around 630 more in two private car parks –Europa and Ruzafa-, which have been negotiated by business associations.

In urban matters, by majority it has been approved to execute sentence 156/2021 issued by the Administrative Litigation Court No. 4 of Alicante, which finds that there has been no positive administrative silence in relation to the claim made by an individual in relation to the agreements of the APR-7. The agreement also includes rejecting the claim for 57.5 million euros filed by the individual and setting the amount to be received for the land transferred to the City Council in August 2004 at 636,116.27 euros, based on "its valuation as rural land". as pointed out by the Councilor for Urban Planning, Lourdes Caselles.

In line with the foregoing, and with the same result, a budget modification has been given the green light to assume the payment of those 636,116.27 euros. The mayor of the Treasury department, Aída García Mayor, explained that "part of these resources come from the Treasury Remainder for general expenses and another part from the Municipal Contingency Fund", so that the investments planned in the 2021 budget are not affected .

Likewise, with the majority vote of the Corporation, the allegations presented by the same individual against the decision of the plenary to initiate the ex officio review of said APR-7 agreements have been rejected.

With the majority vote, the plenary session has approved updating the file 3.3.5 of the Register of Reserves and Transfer of Urban Development. The councilor for Urbanism has explained that this record derived from a land transfer in 2001 in the Tolls item made by the Mercantile Edificaciones Calpe in favor of the City Council in exchange for reservation of use in Partial Partial 1/1. After the change of ownership of the plot, it is necessary to update the file to record the use in favor of the current commercial owner and set the use to be received in the sector at 3,292.64 square meters, now called 'Ensanche Levante' and which is in the processing phase.

Unanimously, it has been agreed to ask the Generalitat Valenciana to grant the Police Merit Cross with a Blue Badge in favor of the Local Police officers Jaime Francisco Climent, Núria Blázquez, Javier Jiménez and Germán Briso for “standing out with notoriety and perseverance in the fulfillment of the duties of his position, to have rendered more than ten years of service and to be in possession of two Public Congratulations individually ”.

Also with the vote of the entire Corporation and on the proposal of the Councilor for Citizen Security, Lorenzo Martínez, it has been approved to request the regional government to grant the Police Merit Cross with White Badge for "his 25 years of service" and for "having a exceptional professional trajectory that serves as an example to his colleagues ”to officers Marisa Lago, José Martínez, Manuel Villalón and Carlos Cañete; as well as agents Francisco Javier Millán, Jesús David Blasco, Manuel Caballero, Ángel Luís García and Juan Francisco Grande.

On the other hand, with the majority vote, a motion of the Popular Municipal Group has been approved to urge the Government of Spain to "cancel the increase in taxes included in the General State Budgets for 2021". The agreement, defended by the spokesperson Lourdes Caselles, includes "not starting the tax increases, the new taxes and the tolls on the Spanish highways and highways included in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan"; as well as "ruling out the elimination of the tax benefits that appear in the document sent to the European Union." The City Council will report this agreement to the President of the Government, the Minister of Finance, the Presidents of Congress and the Senate, as well as the spokespersons of the groups in both Chambers and the Governing Board of the FEMP.

In the same session, the resolution of the Government Subdelegation requiring the annulment of the plenary agreement of December 2020 in which the Valuation of Work Positions (VPT) was approved, as well as the decree of the Mayor in relation to the Secretary of the Information Commission of Finance.

It has also realized the final report on the preliminary market consultation for the tender for garbage collection and cleaning services; and the communications of the Senator and the Valencian Courts on the plenary agreement in which it was urged to modify the decree on the Transfer of Tajo-Segura.

Concerns Urgently addresed
By way of urgency, the plenary session has approved by a large majority, in view of the technical reports, to reject the allegation presented by an individual against the expropriation agreement by mutual agreement that will allow the City Council to obtain 60 square meters of land in La Garita street, a land that currently occupies farm number 37 and that will be used to expand this public road. After rejecting this allegation, the agreement is understood to be definitively approved, so the City Council will proceed to pay the 59,025.92 euros in which the expropriation has been valued, as indicated by the Town Planning councilor.

Based on the agreement, the property will be in charge of the demolition of the current property, after which the local administration will take possession of those 60 square meters of land on La Garita street. Subsequently, the City Council will carry out the urbanization work, with which the width of this section of the road will be widened, leaving it with the same aesthetics and dimensions as the rest of the street.

Also by urgency, the majority of the Corporation has approved a motion of the municipal group of PP to urge the Generalitat Valenciana to "the immediate withdrawal of the draft decree of structure and organization of the Center for Information and Coordination of Emergencies (CICU)", which aims to centralize the service in Valencia "by making the provincial centers of Alicante and Castellón disappear". The deputy spokesperson of PP, Mónica Gómez, has indicated that the alarm over the consequences of this decree, made "through the back door", has been given by "the unions and medical colleges", which warn that "the intended changes by the Regional Goverment "will mean" the loss of jobs and the decline in the quality of care. "

By the same route and by majority, another motion of the municipal group of PP has been approved to “urge the Government of Spain to respect the independence of the different State institutions and judicial decisions and not to grant pardons to those who have violated - as the Supreme Court has declared - not only our Magna Carta but also other Spanish laws and which, as they have repeated on numerous occasions, seek to repeat the crime of sedition committed ”.

The motion also expresses the “unconditional and absolute support for the Constitution and the rest of the Spanish legal system”, and the “seamless support for the work that the different Spanish courts of justice carry out every day, with special mention to the Supreme Court ”. Likewise, the President of the Government of Spain is urged to appear in the Congress of Deputies in “a monographic plenary session to explain his intention to grant pardon to those convicted for the calling of an illegal referendum and the illegal proclamation of an independent Catalan republic. ”.


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