The three selected works correspond to the categories of painting, sculpture and best artist under 18 years of age
Albert Giménez, Sandra Tortosa and Claudia Mayor, winners of the XXXVI New Creators Competition in Benidorm

Albert Giménez Torrent, in painting with his work ‘Transparencias (Benidorm)’, and Sandra Tortosa Piñar, in sculpture with ‘Flor y Abeja’, have been the winners of the 36th Young Creators Competition organised by the Youth Department of Benidorm City Council, headed by Councillor Ana Soliveres. The jury’s decision was announced this Friday in the City Council’s Espai d’Art, where the participating works have been on display in recent weeks, and in front of some of the artists who have participated in this edition as well as friends and family.
Both winners have received a prize of 1,000 euros; while the pictorial work ‘Mestizaje’, made by Claudia Mayor Saldana, has been recognised as the best work created by an author under 18 years of age and awarded with 100 euros.
The Councillor for Youth highlighted the “great reception” of this 36th edition of the competition, which has shown "a high level of participation that we hope will be maintained or surpassed in future editions”. In this sense, the competition has had a total of 20 works presented to the competition in the two categories, among which there has been participation “from young people from Benidorm, from other towns in our region and province, but also from other autonomous communities, such as Madrid or Castilla La Mancha”, she pointed out.
Ana Soliveres recalled that the purpose of this competition is “to promote the art and talent of artists or those who have already begun to take their first steps”, to encourage them “to make their work known” and to facilitate the public “interacting with innovative proposals made by authors of the present and, above all, of the future”.
The councillor reiterated that her department “continue working to support and encourage the creativity of our young people” and stressed that with this type of initiative “we all win” because “artists have a place to exhibit their work and creations and we, as a City Council, increase our artistic heritage”.