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The exhibition can be seen in the espai d'art urbà of Els Tolls, El Carrasco, El Pont, El Campo and Ponent

50 portraits by Iván Carbonell in the open air to pay tribute to the woman of Benidorm

05 March 2022
Espai d'Art Urbà de Els Tolls.
Espai d'Art Urbà de Els Tolls.

At 10:00 in the morning, in the Espai d'Art Urbà de Els Tolls, a group of neighbours gathered to start a tour that ended after 1:00 p.m. after going through those five spaces dedicated to art that has turned Benidorm into an open-air museum.

The mayor of Benidorm, Toni Pérez, along with the councillors of Historical and Cultural Heritage and Equality, Ana Pellicer and Ángela Zaragozí, the curator of the exhibition, Alicia Lamarca and hundreds of neighbours, along with many of the protagonists, have participated in the itinerary. Who has posed for Carbonell's camera?
It consists of fifty backlit billboards with black and white images of 58 women from Benidorm, representative of a city that wants to claim the important role of women in the run-up to March 8.

The mayor of Benidorm, Toni Pérez, has recalled that bringing "art outdoors" allows "the entire population to be reached". The mayor has valued the character of "so many women" from Benidorm who from "anonymity" has contributed "so much so that Benidorm is what it is today".

Toni Pérez has highlighted Iván Carbonell's photographs that although "they are not labelled" with the names of the protagonists, they do "exhibit, in essence, and naturally, the portrait of the brave, pioneering and enterprising woman" of Benidorm.

For her part, Ana Pellicer explained that "this work is a tribute to the Woman of Benidorm, to the brave, enterprising, hard-working, pioneering woman..." she stressed that "with this exhibition, it is intended that Benidorm's women feel reflected and represented” and that it can be enjoyed by neighbours and tourists for the next 4 months.

Ángela Zaragozí, for her part, has also highly valued the work carried out by the Department of Historical and Cultural Heritage, it is "a great contribution to the March 8 program" made by the Equality department because "it summarizes the essence of women of Benidorm”. Finally, Alicia Lamarca has emphasized the reason for the image in black and white, "so that the leading role falls on the person" and the reason for the frontal gaze of each portrait "as a tribute, without props" that highlights " the naturalness” of each of the protagonists.