The non-associated clubs must be registered in the Register of Associations of the Valencian Community

Benidorm City Council has dictated a public announcement for the next Major Festivities in November in which it regulates the requirements and obligations to be met by clubs for these festivities. The councilman of Fiestas, Jesús Carrobles, has recalled that, as in previous years, "the regional regulations mark that the premises of the clubs are considered Festivity Headquarters type B non-permanent" based on Decree 28/2011, 18 of March. For the opening of a festive venue or place of a peña will be necessary to notify the Department of Public Security before November 2 through the Application Bulletin for Festivity Headquarters type B.
These premises must meet, at least, "good living conditions and have electricity, ordinary or ecological toilets and running water."
But in addition, for the Fiestas of 2018 "the clubs that are not part of the Associació de Penyes 'Verge del Sofratge' will have to fulfill a series of parameters that until now had not been demanded". The most important, said the councillor, are "be constituted legally, with its corresponding CIF, and be registered in the Register of Associations of the Generalitat Valenciana". Carrobles indicated that these clubs must also provide the nominative list of all its members with their corresponding DNI, the policy and updated receipt of the Civil Liability Insurance and a detailed sketch of the premises. In addition, minors who are part of a club in which their parents are not integrated must provide the authorization of the father / mother or tutor to belong to it.