The work is made up of 30 stories of experiences of soldiers, men and women, in conflict zones
The explorer Kitín Muñoz and General Terencio Pérez present their book 'Spanish Green Berets' in the Culture Hall

The well-known explorer and scientist Kitín Muñoz and the Spanish Army General Terencio Pérez presented their book 'Spanish Green Berets' last night at the Fundación Mediterráneo's Culture Classroom, a volume in which they value the meaning and work of this body of special operations.
Among the large attendance that gathered was the mayor of Benidorm, Toni Pérez, and members of the government team, the national deputy Agustín Almodóbar, the provincial deputy José Ramón González de Zárate, Princess Kalina of Bulgaria and Prince Simeón, the chief general of the Special Operations Command, Francisco García Almenta, the Moroccan consul, Vicente Farach and members of the Armed Forces and Civil Guard, as well as representatives of various local associations.
The act was presented by the president of the Frax Foundation, Matías Pérez Such, who made a brief review of the biography of both authors. Kitín Muñoz is, in addition to being a scientist, one of the best-known Spanish explorers and expedition members, he has been a Green Beret and is a UNESCO goodwill ambassador. General Terencio Pérez started in the Army at the age of 17, he was part of the Parachute Unit and later of the Green Berets until his retirement.
The authors explained that the work of the Green Berets is "to go around the world to defend peace and people's lives." The book is made up of thirty stories of experiences of green berets, with a clear language in which personal stories of the military throughout their lives are told. Specifically, they explained the experiences of these soldiers in conflict zones where both men and women, soldiers of Spain, risked their lives in order to fulfil a mission.