Els Tolls children paint in red the new bike lane in a neighborhood coexistence day

The Ametllers is the first phase of a large park that will join the fairground with the church in Els Tolls
The neighborhood of Els Tolls has lived a day of celebration and coexistence due to the opening to the public of the new Ametllers Park. The neighbors have been able to enjoy the new facilities, it has been delivered among the winners, the plots of the new urban gardens, and the signage as a cycleway a section of Italia street - comprised between the avenues of Portugal and Andalucía- children and neighbors, have painted in red the asphalt of the bike path.
The party was attended by the Councilor for Environment, José Ramón González de Zárate, the councilors of Citizen Participation and Sports, María Jesús Pinto and Ana Pellicer; members of the socialist municipal group; The president of the Association of Neighbors Els Tolls, Juan Antonio Lizancos; Unión Ciclista of Benidorm, José Aurelio Goas and hundreds of neighbors that have met in Italia street to receive the two groups of cyclists that left from Levante and Poniente to arrive at about 13:00 to the point of meeting.
González de Zárate has pointed out that Ametllers Park is a unique installation "with the integration of urban gardens" and has announced that "this is the first phase of a large park" that will link the church with the fairground, as "a mesh "in the part of the city, attached to the Via del Tram," which was abandoned and was not used at all. " The project is part, he recalled, of "the city strategy", the EDUSI (Strategy of Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development) that will set the Benidorm of tomorrow.
The councilman of Environment also thanked the work and collaboration provided by the association of neighbors and has invited all the neighborhood groups of Benidorm to participate more actively still in the design and development of the city of the future.
A bike lane painted by children
After the presentation of the new park to the neighbors, a lot of urban gardens have been raffled and soon afterwards, after marking the area where the new bike path will pass, the children, as if they were doing a collective crafts workshop, have taken rollers and painted it red to give visibility to the new bike lane that will serve in the neighborhood of Els Tolls.
The president of the neighborhood association, Juan Antonio Lizancos, said that he was living "a great day for the neighborhood" because with the new municipal facilities responds to "a demand that we have been demanding for a long time." For his part, the president of the Unión Ciclista has also been very satisfied that "after so many years we pay attention" because, he stressed, "the future of the city is the bicycle."