The 650 establishments and services will begin to collect the bonus-consumption exchanged next week
The City Council approves the payment of 1.8 million for #BenidormTeDaMás campaign

The Local Government Board (JGL) has today approved the payment of the first remittance of the #BenidormTeDaMás campaign, which "amounts to 1,819,220 euros and includes practically all of the exchanged consumer bonds", as reported today by the Mayor, Toni Perez.
Toni Pérez has pointed out that "just three days after the end of this edition of the campaign, the procedures have been completed so that the 650 establishments and services that have participated in the campaign can collect the amount that corresponds to them for the consumption bonuses that they have received so that the economic injection is going to be practically immediate”. Thus, he has specified that “once the payment is approved by the JGL, it is a matter of days before companies and freelancers receive the income in their bank accounts”.
The mayor stressed that "as in the previous edition, the one that took place coinciding with Christmas, on this occasion we also promised that the productive fabric would quickly receive this economic injection and that is how it will be"; and he has clarified that "in the next few days a second batch will be approved with the last bonds, those in which some incidence has been detected". A second remittance that "will be of a very residual amount, barely a few thousand euros, since the bulk is now settled in this first remittance of 1.8 million euros."
Toni Pérez has stated that “once again the balance of #BenidormTeDaMás is very satisfactory since this second edition of the campaign has closed with an economic impact of 5 million euros at a key moment for families and the productive fabric ”.
As of Wednesday, 181,795 consumer vouchers exchanged between May 16 and 31 had been verified. In recent days, 127 more bonuses have been verified, bringing the total number to 181,922, more than 11,000 more than in the first edition of #BenidormTeDaMás.
Throughout the campaign, 205,177 vouchers have been downloaded. This figure implies that 82.07% of the people who could participate in this initiative -registered citizens over 18 years of age- have downloaded their bonus. Of these, almost 73%, 36,394 users, have used them as a discount on their purchases or drinks, yielding a purchase volume of 5 million euros.
As he already indicated days ago, Toni Pérez has stressed that "given the results of the campaign, we can certify that # BenidormTeDaMás has once again been a success as it was in its first edition last Christmas".
In fact, "the impact" of "this product born in Benidorm" has caused "it is being replicated in many Town Halls". In addition, "the Provincial Council of Alicante, in a magnificent gesture to have things clear, has injected economy in all the municipalities so that they take advantage of this type of program". Benidorm City Council has requested to benefit from the call for funds launched by the provincial body for campaigns to promote consumption under the bonus-consumption formula, which establishes an aid of 292,491 euros for the city.
Campaign dynamics
#BenidormTeDaMás campaign was for people of legal age registered in Benidorm on April 1, 2022, who could request up to five consumption vouchers of 10 euros each. The bonuses, nominative using a QR code associated with a DNI or NIE, could be used as a discount on purchases equal to or greater than 20 euros in the establishments adhering to the campaign so that for each purchase of 20 euros a voucher could be used of ten with a maximum of 100 euros of purchase and 50 euros of discount.