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The City Council will wait until the end of August to undertake the project, which has a budget of 1.2 million and has a grant from the Provincial Council of 249,360 euros

Benidorm will begin in September the works for the creation of the Low Emissions Zone on Armada Española Avenue

08 August 2022
Bajas Emisiones y Ciudad Deportiva

Benidorm City Council will start in September, once the peak tourist influx has passed, the works for the creation of the Low Emissions Pedestrian Zone on Armada Española Avenue. This was announced today by the mayor, Toni Pérez, during the visit to the area with the president of the Alicante Provincial Council, Carlos Mazón, in which the provincial deputies José Ramón González de Zárate, Javier Gutiérrez and Bernabé Cano also participated; members of the Corporation and municipal technicians.

As the mayor has recalled, this action represents "an investment of more than 1.2 million" and has the support of the Provincial Council "within the Plan program". Specifically, the body chaired by Carlos Mazón contributes 249,360 euros to this project with which the city advances in "sustainability and sustainable mobility", something that "is part of Benidorm's DNA".

Toni Pérez has highlighted that it is "a very important area, 24,000 square meters", which "will be transformed to address more sustainable mobility", in which "we gain space for pedestrians" being, in addition, "more consistent with the environmental protection".

The objective of the action is to promote the use of soft means of mobility -bicycles and personal mobility vehicles- and move the private vehicle to park-and-ride car parks far from the city centre such as Xixo or Beniardá avenue.

To this end, the creation of a road with no sidewalks is planned, as well as actions to encourage the use of bicycles and minimize CO2 emissions. Among other elements, the placement of a bicycle counter, smart parking for bicycles, an environmental monitoring system, information systems for urban public transport and reinforcement of vehicle access control are planned.
The president of the Provincial Council has pointed out that this Low Emissions Pedestrian Zone "provides continuity to the entire Poniente coastal promenade", where the Provincial Council already collaborated last year in the remodelling of Elche Park. The improvement of this coastal space, he has transferred, "is culminated with this important investment" that will begin to materialize from September 5.

The mayor thanked the Provincial Council and its president for "thinking and investing in Benidorm". “We are talking –he added- about real politics, tangible politics. These are not headlines, but very important works and investments for a city that tries to contribute a lot every day to the whole of the economy of the other administrations and that has a return on investments like these”.

In this regard, Mazón has reported that the Provincial Council of Alicante "is investing more than one million euros in this and other works in Benidorm", promoting actions in various sports infrastructure in the city. Thus, the mayor recalled, with the support of the Provincial Council, "intervention is being carried out on the multi-sports track" located in the upper part of 'Guillermo Amor' Sports City, and shortly there will also be action "in the dean of our pavilions, Raúl Mesa, with a great work” that will greatly improve “accessibility” and “provisions”.

Regarding this economic support to Benidorm, the president of the Provincial Council has meant that "our tourism model must be defended every day, but not only by eliminating taxes or claiming a better Imserso  (Travelling for the elderly) but by making the tourism more habitable, accessible, human and of quality. transit through the tourist areas, living in them, navigating the city as if we were in the sea itself”.

Mazón has defended the collaboration between administrations such as the one between the Provincial Council and the City Council, he has stressed that Benidorm "is our tourist reference" and "we are going to continue contributing our investment" so that the city continues "in the Champions of tourism".

Inversiones en la Ciudad Deportiva ‘Guillermo Amor’
Tras visitar la avenida Armada Española, el alcalde y el presidente de la Diputación se han desplazado hasta la Ciudad Deportiva ‘Guillermo Amor’ para comentar con los técnicos la obra proyectada en el pabellón ‘Raúl Mesa’ y el avance de los trabajos en la pista multideportiva. 

En esta última se están abordando los últimos trabajos de pintado de la pista, que se ha renovado de forma integral, rotando su orientación y cambiando el firme. Con el cambio de orientación se ha creado un nuevo vial de acceso para vehículos de emergencia a la parte alta del complejo deportivo desde la pinada contigua”, y se ha dado a la pista “un soleamiento lateral que favorece su uso en cualquier momento del día”.

Esta intervención, que también incluye la renovación de las columnas de alumbrado para implantar el sistema ‘led’, está valorada en 90.490,23 euros y cuenta con una subvención de la Diputación Provincial de Alicante de 69.719,09 euros dentro del ‘Plan +Deporte’. El Ayuntamiento, a su vez, aporta 20.771,14 euros.
En proceso de licitación se encuentra, por su parte, la ampliación del pabellón ‘Raúl Mesa’, con una inversión por encima de los 900.000 euros. Además de la reparación de la cubierta, se prevé ampliar el pabellón hacia el lateral Este, situado junto al acceso principal, construyendo una nueva gradería para los espectadores. Debajo de la nueva grada se ubicarán nuevos vestuarios y aseos que permitan la accesibilidad universal. Esta obra cuenta con una subvención de la Diputación de cerca de 295.000 euros; mientras que el Ayuntamiento aportará los algo más de 600.000 euros restantes. 

Además, recientemente, se ha obtenido una subvención de 133.100 euros para renovar el césped artificial del campo de fútbol anexo al estadio ‘Guillermo Amor’. 

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