The subsidy, created in 2016, helps finance the expenses of these entities
Benidorm grants 45,000 euros to music schools and students of local bands for their cultural and educational work

The Local Government Board (JGL) of Benidorm has approved the final resolution of aid to music schools and students, for which each local band will receive 15,000 euros, thus reaching 45,000. The Councilor for Culture, Jaime Jesús Pérez, has reported that “the 2023/2024 academic year is the call in which the most money has been awarded, as the three musical entities in Benidorm have reached the maximum eligible amount.”
Pérez recalled that "this aid was launched in 2016 to help finance the expenses of the city's musical entities, in attention and recognition of the important work of promoting culture that they carry out by assuming the education and training of a part of the new generations of local musicians.” In fact, between the three entities there are more than 750 students, some of whom "start in music at a very early age thanks to the schools of the Musical Union, the Societat Musical l'Illa and the Societat Musical La Nova."
He added that these numbers are “evidence that Benidorm has a large pool of musicians to continue maintaining and even further promoting the close relationship that has existed for many decades between music and the city.”
At this point, the mayor has stressed that these music schools and students are added to the regulated musical offering of Benidorm, which is taught at the 'José Pérez Barceló' Municipal Conservatory of Music; and he has added that many students also make this training compatible with their activity in the bands themselves.
As in all previous calls, the amount of aid that each entity receives "is determined by a series of objective criteria reflected in the bases, such as the number of students being educated, the staff of the band itself and the annual calculation of “expenses related to school.”
Once again, the Councilor for Culture has highlighted that "Benidorm's musical societies are a fundamental pillar in the promotion and dissemination of the city's culture." Likewise, he has valued "their involvement and willingness to participate in the cultural, festive and institutional events that are celebrated throughout the year", and their "increasing commitment to promoting their own initiatives, sometimes at the hands of other cultural groups, social or festive people of Benidorm, thus generating contacts that contribute to making the city.”