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The MSW production in this period has only been 6.87% lower while water consumption was 8.63% lower

Benidorm confirms its recovery at Easter with data on water consumption, waste collection and vehicle entry

20 April 2022
Playa de Poniente.
Playa de Poniente.

The entry of vehicles into the city grew by 6.3% compared to 2019, parking increased by 35% and transfers to the airport by just over 8%

As for the production of urban solid waste (RSU), during the holiday period that runs from Good Friday (April 8) to Easter Monday (April 18) this year, the total figure is barely 6 .87% lower than that obtained in 2019, the last year before the pandemic. However, the data on the recycling of glass, containers and paper, which would match those figures, even more, have not yet been accounted for.

Thus, if in 2019 1,784,840 kilos of waste were collected, this year the figure has risen to 1,630,840 kilos. In 2019, the maximum collection peak occurred on Easter Sunday with 193,420 kilos. That same day this year, the maximum collection of MSW was also recorded at 173,160 kilos.

The graphs show almost parallel lines throughout the holiday period. It is noteworthy, however, that this Good Friday (April 15) the amount produced was very similar to that of 2019 and that a day later, Saturday, what was collected in 2019 was exceeded. 167,540 kilos were collected on April 16 compared to 160,880 kilos in 2019.

As far as water consumption is concerned, the data indicates a trend very similar to that of solid waste to the point that 8.63% less has barely been consumed these days. In total figures, the total consumption in Easter 2019 was 305,945 cubic meters and this year that figure has been estimated at 284,912 cubic meters.

As with MSW, the consumption graphs reflect a parallel trajectory between 2019 and 2022. That year, the maximum consumption peak was recorded on Holy Saturday with 29,665 cubic meters. Last Saturday, April 16, the maximum consumption was also reached with 30,421 cubic meters, a figure higher than that of three years ago. It should be noted that both on Holy Saturday and Good Friday this year the water consumption data was slightly higher than before the pandemic.

The recovery has also been noted in the entry of vehicles into the city. The data indicate that 6.3% more vehicles have arrived than in 2019, mainly due to the entry of Levante. That figure is complemented by parking data in the city, which has grown by around 35%. There has also been an increase in the number of buses at the Station -11% more than in 2019- and an increase of slightly more than 8% in transfers to the airport and the Bus Station.
The mayor of Benidorm, Toni Pérez, has made a "very positive" assessment of the situation during Holy Week and has recalled that "we have already said that the city maintains its capacity for attraction". In this sense, Pérez has insisted that "we were optimistic for Easter and we are even more so for next summer because the recovery is a fact".

The mayor has underlined that Benidorm "has managed to maintain its attractiveness" and has highlighted that "we have continued to improve, investing in infrastructure and continuous improvements to the urban scene during this time to be prepared. The results are beginning to be seen as it has been reflected in the data on water consumption, vehicle entry, urban solid waste production and occupation”.

Despite everything, the first mayor stressed that "we still have space left because we are a destination that reached deseasonalization a long time ago and because there are still many hotel rooms to open, which will allow us to reach a higher percentage of occupancy".

Pérez has also underlined the fact that the turnover in bars, restaurants and cafes in the city “has grown compared to 2019, before the pandemic” despite a situation “which is not ideal due to the increase in costs and inflation".

Few incidents due to rain

Lluvia en Benidorm.
Lluvia en Benidorm.

On the other hand, the constant rain that has fallen in Benidorm for almost the entire day has hardly caused any serious incidents even though 34.8 litres per square meter have been recorded from 8 in the morning until noon, the highest figure in the entire Marina Baixa, according to Avamet. The indicators have collected up to 42 l/m2 in Rincón de Loix, 28 l/m2 in Poniente and 32 l/m2 in the ETAP.

There have been some occasional street closures, although it has been as a precaution. Specifically, on Avenida del Murtal and Calle Toledo, where there is a gully that produces waterlogging.

There has also been a break in a rainwater conduit at the junction of Ibiza and Cuenca streets. In this case, the machinery is already carrying out the appropriate repair and will be used to repair the damage that was in a purification line at the same point. These works are expected to be completed by the end of the week.

"Incidences have been very rare despite the fact that the precipitation has been important" explained the mayor. Pérez stressed that "the absence of incidents once again highlights the importance of the investments we have made in the subsoil to prevent the occurrence of situations that were previously very frequent in episodes of rain much smaller than today or those we had weeks ago".

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