The X Sports Gala highlights the world championship, the world record, the two European championships, the 19 national championships and the 17 regional championships won in 2023
Benidorm, city of sports and athletes

Last night Benidorm experienced the tenth edition of the Sports Gala in the auditorium of the Cultural Center where 450 people gathered for the big night of Benidorm sports.
The event was attended by the mayor, Toni Pérez, and the Sports Councilor, Javier Jordá, who were joined by other members of the municipal corporation and the regional deputy José Ramón González de Zárate.
Javier Jordá, in charge of opening the event, acknowledged having learned “after meeting” many of the local athletes that sport “is passion, it is perseverance, commitment, respect for the opposite” as well as “getting up” when one falls and also “teamwork”.
The councillor thanked the families for “trusting Benidorm clubs” and the City Council “so that the kids play sports.” Jordá finally encouraged everyone present to continue transmitting, “as the sign that we have to follow” the values of sport in a city that, it should be remembered, has more than 3,000 federated athletes who, week after week, use the sports facilities. municipal.
After the mayor of Sports, the corresponding commemorative plaques were presented to the winners who, this year, have meant that Benidorm has won a world championship, a world record, and two European championships, 19 in Spain and 17 in the Region. All of this, without including second or third places, which defines the city as “much more than a global brand” of first place in the world, famous for its beaches, culture, climate or gastronomy.
The first mayor vindicated “the great family of sport” made up of athletes, technicians, and referees and also valued the importance of the athletes' families who must seek resources and time for the youngest to start practising sports. Toni Pérez also emphasized women's sports, which have great local roots and which have contributed and continue to contribute triumphs in modalities such as volleyball, basketball, etc. And he did not miss the opportunity to congratulate the women of Anémona and the young people of Double Love who, through sport, have known how to make their way in their personal development.
Finally, the mayor, as Jordá also did previously, paid tribute to the recently deceased municipal coach, Vicente Devesa Such 'Sarvacho', a great promoter of the sport who knew that in life you have to walk together” because “united we are stronger” if one “gives oneself to the society in which one believes and which one loves.” “Vicent, the mayor said, was much more than that, Vicente was 'un home bo i un amic'.
• Club Foietes de Benidorm, equipos prebenjamín A y Alevín B de fútbol.
• Club de gimnasia Rítmica Benidorm, conjunto Alevín.
• Enzo Zaragoza en la modalidad Alevín de Motociclismo.
• Club Deportivo Lope de Vega, Asier Gentil en tenis alevín.
• Cable Ski Benidorm, Liam Such, alevín de esquí náutico.
• Club Voley Playa Poniente Benidorm, equipo infantil masculino.
• Club Deportivo Lope de Vega, Carmen García Sánchez, Karate.
• Club Balonmano Benidorm Foietes, equipo infantil masculino de balonmano playa.
• Club Natación de Benidorm, Paula Rogel, natación infantil.
• Club Voleibol Playas de Benidorm. Equipo infantil femenino.
• Club Tae Benidorm, Denis Petiov, Cadete Tae ITF Kickboxing.
• Club Tae Benidorm, Lucas Soler, Junior Tae ITF Kickboxing, Alena Mtrova, Junior femenino Tae ITF. Ede Change Vidal, Junio Tae ITF Kickboxing.
• Club Náutico Benidorm. Mariano Cebrián. Juvenil
• Cable Ski Benidorm. Ane Armas. Junior, esquí náutico.
• Club Natación Benidorm. Carlos Rogel. Natación Junior.
• Balonmano. David Carreño. Promesas del balonmano.
• Club Natación PS Water Benidorm. Natasha Server, Junior Natación sincronizada.
• Centro Ocupacional Doble Amor. Participación en la liga UPAPSA.
• Club Natación Benidorm. Diego Cortés, natación Máster.
• Club Náutico Benidorm. Equipo veteranos masculino de remo. Darío Quesada. Máster windsurf.
• Club Atletismo Benidorm. José Vicente Prieto.
• Anémona Marina Baixa.
• Reconocimiento a título póstumo. Vicente Devesa Such ‘Sarvacho’.
• Técnicos deportivos. Oscar López y Fulgencio Hernández.
• Árbitros de fútbol. Álvaro Cánovas y José Martínez.
• Club Náutico Benidorm. Josué González. Senior reorgómetro.
• Club BMX Benidorm. Miguel Ángel Pérez y Pablo Sánchez Mora
• Club de Pilota Benidorm. José Luis Clavo, Senior pilota. Equipo de 1ª de Palma.
• Fútbol Playa. José Carlos Caballero, Senior Fútbol Playa.
• Club Baloncesto Benidorm. Equipo Senior Femenino ‘Servigroup Benidorm’.
• Club Balonmano Benidorm. Equipo Senior masculino, liga ASOBAL.