Benidorm begins the celebration of Holy Week with the proclamation by the priest Jesús Rosillo Peñalver

The celebration of Holy Week in Benidorm officially started last night in the Parish Church of Almudena, which gathered many faithful and brothers to enjoy the proclamation announcing the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth.
The proclamation of the Holy Week this year has been in charge of the priest Jesus Rosillo Peñalver, priest of the Church of San Esteban Protomartir of Alicante.
Along with the presidents and older brothers of the Greater Board of Brotherhoods of Holy Week, the Mayor of Benidorm, Toni Pérez, participated in the ceremony, who was accompanied by the councilman of Fiestas, Jesús Carrobles, the regional deputy Manuel Pérez Fenoll, Senator Agustín Almodóbar and representatives of the different municipal groups.
Tonight the acts will continue with the representation of 'The Passion of Christ', by the Cultural Group Jerusalem of Elche, a work declared of Tourist Interest in the Church of San Francisco de Asís, a "unique work" to which are invited all tourists and residents of Benidorm from 9.00 pm.
Main events of the Holy Week in Benidorm
Saturday, April 13. 9:00 p.m. Performance of 'The Passion of Christ'. Parish of San Francisco de Asís.
Sunday, April 14 Palm Sunday. 11.00 am, Blessing of Palma and Ramos in the parishes of San Jaime and La Almudena; 11.30, at Nuestra Señora del Carmen and San Francisco de Asís .; 11:45, Our Lady of the Sea; 12.00, at El Buen Pastor and San Juan Bautista. 8:00 pm, procession of the Royal Confraternity of Our Lady of Hope and Peace and Our Father Jesus of Health and Humility, in the parish of El Buen Pastor.
Wednesday, April 17. 10:00 pm, procession of the Brotherhood of Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno, in San Jaime and Santa Ana.
Thursday, April 18. 9.00 pm, procession of the Sacramental Brotherhood of the Holy Supper and the Brotherhood of the Christ of Forgiveness and the Good Dead, in La Almudena.
Friday, April 19. 20.30, procession of the Brotherhood of the Prayer of Jesús in the Garden of Gethsemane. Parish of San Juan Bautista.
Easter Sunday, April 21. 08.00 hours, procession of the Meeting and the Embassy, San Jaime and Santa Ana.