Ordinance No. 1 Mobility
The Full City Council, in an ordinary session held on 08/31/2020, agreed to provisionally approve Municipal Mobility Ordinance No. 1 and expose the aforementioned agreement to the public, for a period of 30 business days, using an Edict inserted in the B.O.P. of Alicante No. 179, dated 09/18/2020, and on the Benidorm City Council notice board, so that interested parties could examine the file and present any claims deemed appropriate.
Once the period of exposure to the public had elapsed without any claim being made to the provisional approval agreement, it became final by the provisions of Art 49 of Law 7/1985, of April 2, Regulating the Bases of Local Regime. , according to the wording given by Law 11/1999, therefore by the provisions of art. 70.2 of Law 7/1985, of April 2, Regulating the Bases of Local Regime, according to the wording given by the Law 11/1999, the text of Municipal Mobility Ordinance No. 1 was published in the B.O.P. of Alicante No. 231, dated 3/12/2020.
Subsequently, on 04/26/2021, the Plenary Session of the Benidorm City Council adopted an agreement, by a majority, to approve the INCORPORATION OF REGULATORY TEXT BY OMISSION IN ARTICLE 4 OF THE MUNICIPAL ORDINANCE Nº 1 ON MOBILITY, proceeding to publish the wording definitive of article 4 in sections 4.8 to 4.13 in the B.O.P. of Alicante No. 80, of 04/30/2021, for the appropriate legal, validity and effectiveness effects.
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