The body plans to explore the same way of compensation that has already been applied for hotels
The Urban Scene Advisory Council agrees to initiate a modification of the General Plan to order the setbacks
A study commissioned by the City Council for the covering of the Óscar Esplá auditorium advises a flexible cover
The Urban Scene Advisory Council has agreed today to initiate the procedures to draft a new specific modification of the General Plan of Urban Planning (PGOU) to address the arrangement of setbacks in open building.
Based on a study commissioned by the City Council to an external firm dated in 2011, the consultative body -of which all the groups of the corporation, independent advisors and representatives of various business associations and the Neighborhood Council are part, has agreed to explore the possibility of follow the model of the punctual modification number 1, applying to the tertiary land a compensation system similar or analogous to that already applied to hotel establishments. That is, that the commercial establishments or restaurants with setbacks give up for public use a part of the occupied surface, or failing that, compensate the City Council economically for that space.
The mayor, Toni Pérez, explained that the local government takes the mandate of the Urban Scene Advisory Council and will initiate the file of what would be the specific modification number 22 of the General Plan, following the "roadmap" marked at the meeting and ordering all the necessary reports. An amendment that must be processed in municipal and regional headquarters, that is the reason that prevents an end date.
On the other hand, the Council has also proposed dividing in two the specific modification number 20, in order to separate the issues of "detailed management" from those of "structural management". This modification referred to tertiary-commercial use, regulates aspects such as the establishment of establishments in the basements and first floors of the buildings in those streets or commercial axes that are determined.
The mayor has indicated that, in any case, if the reports advise that and it is decided, the objective of this separation is to expedite the affairs of detailed planning -which environmental procedure depends on the City Council and not on the Conselleria-, as is the case of the approval of the publicity ordinance; dissociating them from structural management issues such as commercial activity in basements and first floors, which should be informed by the regional administration.
In the same session it has been presented the study contracted by the City Council to analyze the feasibility and cost of covering the Óscar Esplá auditorium of Parque de l'Aigüera. This study, presented by the firm Jas Arquitectura and explained in the meeting by the architect José Manuel Escobedo, advises opting for a flexible cover, removable and put in the area of stands, and whose structure is even walkable.
Pérez stressed that "the study presented to us today is a line of work, in which some recommendations and technical and aesthetic alternatives are proposed to cover this public space". It is, therefore, "a proposal totally open to analysis, debate and any modification".
The proposed solution bets on a cover that reaches both the bleachers and the stage area, which extends during the most adverse weather months or when the needs demand it and retires during the rest of the year to take advantage of the Mediterranean light. In addition, it conceives to decouple the structure of the cover itself so that it is passable and new pedestrian routes can be created in a second height ".
The proposal of Jas Architecture estimates that the cost of covering the Óscar Esplá with a flexible solution and with some aesthetic characteristics such as those proposed is around 1.6 million euros.