The members of the commission revitalize this tradition with their efforts in the Hermitage of Sanç
Success of 'Sopar de Sant Joan' organized by the Sant Antoni Commission

The Sant Antoni Festival Committee far exceeded expectations of attendance at the traditional Sopar de Sant Joan, which brings together hundreds of residents every year at the Hermitage of Sanç, a traditional meeting point in the l'Horta neighbourhood of Benidorm.
Shortly before 9:30 p.m., more than 350 residents approached the Hermitage, many without having purchased a dinner ticket in advance, which was resolved quickly thanks to the agility of the members of the commission, presided over this year by Vicente. Elderly. Comissió de Sant Antoni, after the success of the night, thanks to the joint effort, has managed to give a new push and revitalize this traditional event in Benidorm.
Among the attendees, the mayor of Benidorm, Toni Pérez; the Councilor for Festivals, Mariló Cebreros, other members of the corporation and the regional deputy, José Ramón González de Zárate. Likewise, representatives of social and festive groups in the city participated including the Associació de Penyes 'Verge del Sofratge', led by its president, Jaume Cortés.
The diners were able to enjoy a copious dinner and participated in the drawing for numerous prizes offered by the Commission and businesses in the city and, after the agape, the end of the party that lasted until dawn.
The profits from the dinner will be allocated to the organization of the Sant Antoni Festival, which will also be celebrated at the Hermitage of Sanç next January.