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The institutional declaration for Tourism Day highlights that "Benidorm continues to be the place of happiness" and that "under no circumstances, no matter how harsh, will it stop being so"

The plenary session enables the first 'extra' injection of 500,000 euros for aid to families

28 September 2020
El ple dona viabilitat a la primera injecció 'extra' de 500.000 euros per a les ajudes a famílies...

The Corporation approves asking the Ministry for the transfer of the N-332 as it passes through Benidorm

Benidorm plenary session has unanimously validated today the budget modification 13/2020, made by a decree of the Mayor's Office, to increase the allocation of municipal aid to the family by 500,000 euros, as explained by the head of the Treasury, Aida García Mayor . With this modification, the City Council has allocated a total of 1.9 million euros to this aid, and it is expected that an additional injection of another 500,000 euros will be made shortly from the City's own resources to meet all the requests received that comply with the requirements established in the bases. Thus, the final endowment of the aid will be 2.4 million euros, one million more than initially planned.

These grants, which have already reached more than 2,000 people, are aimed at mitigate the economic and social effects of the Covid-19 crisis, injecting resources into the Benidorm homes that need it most.

García Mayor recalled that 6,135 requests have been received, of which "less than 30%" remain to be solved and approved, and has detailed that "the first 16 remittances are already paid in full", while 17 and 18 of the remittances the payment of the first two monthly payments has been made, and one of the remittance 19. In addition, the first monthly payment of remittances 20 and 21 will be paid shortly. To date, 1,953 grants have been granted and 206 have been estimated resources, which brings to 2,159 applications approved when the beneficiaries meet the requirements.

With the vote of all the members of the Corporation, it has been agreed to request the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (Mitma) the free transfer of the section of the N-332 highway as it passes through Benidorm. The local government spokeswoman, Lourdes Caselles, has indicated that it is "a section of almost 8 kilometers" in which "it has been possible to verify, even by the Ministry itself, a reduction of 65% in heavy vehicle traffic and 30% of the rest of vehicles, so it has practically become an urban road that provides service to the residents of Benidorm and the neighboring municipalities ”.

Caselles explained that this request meets the legal requirements, since after the release of the AP-7 the characteristics of the N-332 as it passes through Benidorm now resembles an urban connection road more than a national highway . The requested transfer is limited to the route between kilometer points 144 + 400 and 152 + 360, as well as the Benidorm junction of the AP-7 through Levante and its attached facilities. Obtaining ownership of this section of road would allow the City Council to assume the management and maintenance of these 8 kilometers, for which, in case of achieving the transfer, the necessary resources will be incorporated into the municipal budget for 2021.

The direct management of the section by the City Council would make the implementation of the necessary services much more agile, and carry out actions that allow improving the city's connections with the bypass and with the rest of the region, thus favoring access to the current and future public services located in Salt de l'Aigua area - Regional Fire Department, educational centers, Palace of Justice, Invattur, future Police Station, Palau d'Esports, etc.- and generating new links with the rest of neighboring municipalities.

Also unanimously, the plenary session has endorsed the proposal of the Board of Spokespersons to grant the cultural distinction ‘Ciutat de Benidorm’ 2020 to Francisco Pérez Bayona, colloquially known as ‘Quico, the Photographer’. This proposal was transferred by the Commission in charge of this distinction, made up of the winners of previous editions.

With this distinction, the contribution of Pérez Bayona's photography to “keeping the history alive” of the city is recognized, giving “graphic testimony of the life of Benidorm in all its aspects for more than 50 years”; as well as “his notable involvement in the local socio-cultural fabric”, reflected in seven exhibitions and a compilation book in which Benidorm and its people are the protagonists. In addition, and "above all else", the Commission for the ‘Ciutat de Benidorm’ distinction, highlights ‘Quico, the Photographer’ his “sensitivity and plastic capacity, his vital force, altruism and bonhomie”.

The awarding of the ‘Ciutat de Benidorm’ distinction will be held in the institutional plenary session on 9 October.


With the same, the Interior Reform Plan (PRI) for the building that housed the old 'Renault car shop repair', on Emilio Ortuño road, presented by the mercantile companies Mingot Inversiones SL and Novomín SL and once all the procedures had been passed , including environmental. The councillor of Urbanism, Lourdes Caselles, has indicated that this PRI regulates the compensation that the property must deliver to the City Council has changed to see an increase in the planned buildable area for tertiary use in the new planned construction, and that it will have a hotel use or commercial.

Thus, "the property will give the City Council a strip of 2 meters wide along the entire front facing Emilio Ortuño road, to add 68 square meters, which will serve to increase the sidewalk surface." In addition, "to complete the compensation, it will pay 279,409.79 euros that will go to Municipal Land Heritage".

Caselles has indicated that the same property will be in charge of "dismantling and reassembling the mosaic by the artist Manuel Baeza" installed on one of the sides of the current building. This action, which will allow this mosaic to be preserved and valued, will be carried out based on the project made possible by the Department of Culture and the Department of Historical Heritage.

By a large majority, the plenary session has given the green light to the modification of the cleaning contract in municipal offices and educational centers to “include new services derived from the opening of 13 new facilities and public spaces since 2017 - such as Foietes and Séquia Mare parks. , or Tossal de La Cala-; as well as to meet the extraordinary cleaning needs in the educational centers of Benidorm and in the rest of the municipal facilities that have arisen as a result of the coronavirus health crisis ”, as reported by the Councilor for Street Cleaning, José Ramón González de Zárate.

De Zárate has stressed that "we are strictly complying" with all the cleaning and maintenance guidelines for educational centers established in "the last health protocol sent by the Department on August 27," having assigned at least one person to each center who reinforces disinfection work for "4 hours during school hours". The councillor has stressed that "we have spoken with all the educational centers whose cleaning depends on the City Council" - all except the Secondary Education Schools - to adapt the reinforcement services "according to their characteristics and needs".

After thanking the work carried out by the staff of the concession company since the pandemic broke out, the councillor has indicated that this expansion of the services initially included in the contract "has all the favorable reports and complies with all the legal conditions", and requires of the extension of the expense of 120,000 euros until December 31.

With the vote of the entire Corporation, budget amendment number 14 has been approved, aimed at increasing by 100,000 euros the nominative subsidy that Benidorm Handball Club receives in line with its classification for the European Cup, EHF European Cup. The Councilor for Sports , Mariló Cebreros, has defended that participation in this competition constitutes "an exceptional springboard for the promotion of our city", since this European Cup "is followed by millions of fans" at an international level. Cebreros explained that "due to the extraordinary situation created by Covid-19", the Club's expectations "in terms of sponsorship and financing capacity" for this European competition "have been drastically reduced."

Also unanimously, the plenary session has accepted the donation of material related to the Song Festival made by the family of Mr. Luis Escobedo Gascón, "an active member of the work teams of the first phase of the contest" and "one of the architects "From his" replacement in the 90s. " The Councilor for Historical Heritage, Ana Pellicer, has detailed that this donation is made up of "the set of materials" that the family "gave for the exhibition" of the 60th anniversary of the Song Festival, organized last year by the City Council. A material consisting of "a series of unpublished photographs of great documentary value, others from different moments of the Festival, as well as elements of promotional material, documents related to the same and reviews from the local, provincial and national press of the different editions" of the contest .

On behalf of the Corporation, Pellicer has thanked this donation, which will be incorporated into the Documentary Fund of the City Council; thus increasing the material linked to the Song Festival, which "constituted a benchmark in the national and international projection" of Benidorm in the 60s "through music".


By a large majority, and in view of the opinion passed on by the Consell Jurídic Consultiu, it has been agreed not to review ex officio the special contributions of subzone C and, consequently, to reject the requests that had been received for it. This decision puts an end to administrative proceedings.

Likewise, unanimously, it has been approved that November 15 and 16, 2021 are considered local holidays.

In the same session, the resolution of the Presidency of the Generalitat Valenciana recognizing Benidorm as a tourist municipality of the Valencian Community was reported; as well as the agreement of the Local Government Board to apply for grants for the ECOVID and EMPUJU employment programs.

It has also been informed about the agreements adopted by the Bureau of the Senate Chamber and Mesa de les Corts regarding the agreement of the plenary session last July urging the Government of Spain not to appropriate the resources of local entities. Likewise, the City Hall's decree of definitive approval of the Regulation of deposit, custody and return of lost objects of the City Council has been realized; and the request of the municipal Secretary General to cease his activity as associate professor at the University of Alicante.

Opposition motions

Unanimously, a motion of the municipal group Ciudadanos (Cs), amended by the local government, has been approved to regulate telework in Benidorm City Council. In this way, and after the approved amendment, it has been agreed to "adapt the teleworking draft" prepared by the Human Resources and Secretary departments to the new regulations that the Council of Ministers is expected to approve in the coming days. Once appropriate, such draft will be sent to the General Negotiating Table, for the unions to make their contributions, and subsequently raised to the plenary session for approval.

Urgent motions

The entire Corporation has endorsed the institutional declaration of the Board of Spokespersons in relation to World Tourism Day, raised in full by emergency, in which it is emphasized that "Benidorm continues to be the place of happiness" and that "under no circumstance, no matter how harsh, is going to stop being so. The text emphasizes that on this occasion, "like every day", "we remind the world that Benidorm is still open", that it is "safe" and that "is waiting for you". In this sense, it is reiterated that "we are the tourist municipality par excellence" and that "Benidorm has worked to have the most complete security, to be a safe Smart Tourist Destination".

The statement sets out the "concern" over "the extent of the impact of the pandemic" on tourism activity and "the very strong social and labor impact" it is having, and adds that "the emergence of Covid-19 has caused the very concept of Tourism falter ”. However, it is considered that “we are facing the moment to position ourselves more and better in Tourism, focusing on the efficient use of resources and the most effective management of them; in traditional hospitality for so many years proven and in the vision of the future that once again goes through innovation, technology, accessibility, sustainability and governance to face, with a guarantee of success, the new challenges that the future is imposing on us as a society ”.

In addition to "to all the people who, with their effort, work and dedication, have been on the front line in these difficult months of the pandemic" and to those "who have ensured our health and safety" and provided "essential services", the Corporation has shown  "gratitude" to "all people, companies and services in the tourism sector" that "have maintained and keep alive the entire value chain of Tourism, especially in Benidorm."

In this sense, it is noted that "everyone's involvement and the confidence that we have a top-level product" that "has always known how to adapt to the times and circumstances, now betting on the responsibilities towards the planet and its inhabitants with measures for Smart Tourism, thereby promoting inclusive and sustainable tourism development at a global level, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda promoted by the United Nations, seeking the future for the next generations as the first  Smart Tourist Destination certified of the world ”.

Finally, unanimously, a motion from the local government has succeeded in which the Generalitat Valenciana is required to "immediately solve" the announcement of last year's scholarships and to adopt "the commitment" to solve those of this course in the period and term established in order not to cause harm to the beneficiaries. The Councilor for Youth, Jaime Jesús Pérez, has denounced that "the delay" in the resolution of these scholarships, which have not been solved during the summer, has aggravated "even more the personal situation of many university students and families with the health crisis in the one we find ourselves in ”and leaving“ thousands of students, many of them from Benidorms, in a situation of uncertainty and defenselessness ”. The previous year 3,970 students benefited from these grants.