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The plenary session approves unanimously European grants to develop EDUSI

28 November 2016
El pleno aprueba por unanimidad optar a ayudas europeas para desarrollar la EDUSI

The municipal technicians will draft the project for the new police station when completing the last procedure after the transfer of the land

The corporation extends the current contract of the beaches until the TACRC resolves the six appeals raised in the statement

The plenary session of Benidorm corporation has unanimously approved to apply for European grants to try to develop the Strategy for Sustainable Urban Development and Integration (EDUSI) in which the City Council works and with which it intends to execute in the next six years projects that Improve the quality of life of citizens. Actions related to improving access to information and communication technologies (ICT), reducing CO2 emissions, protecting the environment and combating poverty by promoting inclusion policies. For the configuration of this EDUSI, which has its scope of action in the Jaime I-Beniardá axis, a process of citizen participation has been opened. With the majority vote of the corporation, it has been approved to change from "property" to "patrimonial" the use of the plot of 4,971 square meters ceded to the Ministry of Interior for the new National Police Station in Els Tolls. The agreement also contemplates sending all documentation to the Ministry so as not to delay the processing and "see completed" construction of the police station "in the next budget year." The mayor of Patrimonio, Lourdes Caselles, explained that with this change all the formalities required by the Ministry to comply with the construction of the police station are fulfilled, and it has been announced that it will be the municipal technicians who draw up the project according to the conditions and Features that has moved Interior. Also by a large majority it has been agreed to extend the current management contract of the beaches until the Central Administrative Court of Contract Resources (TACRC) resolves the six appeals that have been raised to the specifications of the new contract tendered by the City. The majority of the councilors of the corporation has supported submitting for public information for a period of 45 days the second update of the punctual amendment number 1 of the General Plan on hotel incentive. Unanimously, the plenary has given the green light to the I LGTB + Municipal Plan, one of the first to be developed in Spain and which has been drafted by the Equality experts. This plan lasts for four years and its objective is to combat LGBTophobia and improve the life on an equal footing of lesbian, gay, transsexual, bisexual and other groups respecting their sexual and gender diversity. With the vote of all councilors, the proposal of the Board of Spokesmen for the award of the corporate medal to the agent of the National Police Miguel Campos Fernández in recognition of his work in the refugee center of Sicily (Italy) has been approved, Where he has participated in the tasks of assisting migrants fleeing armed conflicts, as well as for his trajectory of active collaboration with different social groups in Benidorm. The badge will be delivered on December 6 during the institutional day of the Constitution. A majority has approved the interpretation of the agreement to extend the water contract agreed at the plenary session last June. This extension, for a maximum period of ten years, is conditional on the possibility of creating a mixed water management company once the adjustment plan is completed - year 2022 - or before that date if the municipal economic situation allows it. In addition, the plenary has dismissed the appeals against the extension agreement submitted by several opposition groups - Ciudadanos por for Benidorm (CBM), Citizens (C's), Liberales de Benidorm (LiiBE) and Cormpromís-Los Verdes - and by the mercantile Aguas de Valencia. During the session, the accounting information of the third quarter relating to the adjustment measures against delinquency, follow-up of the adjustment plan, budget execution and average period of payment to suppliers were taken into account. It has also been noticed the order of the Court of Administrative Litigation number 1 of Alicante concerning the Outlet Market in which the precautionary measure requested by the City Council is rejected. In this regard, the corporation has approved not appeal this order. Likewise, it has noticed an order of the High Court of Justice of the Valencian Community (TSJ) that rejects the personage of a mercantile in a procedure about the station of buses; of the associations and entities registered in the Municipal Registry of Associations, and of the judicial appeal filed by Aqualia against the extension of the water contrac

Motions of the opposition

The plenary session has unanimously approved a motion of the PSOE, as amended by the Citizens (C's) group, so that they can be installed in all public buildings - in which the infrastructure allows - lactation rooms with furniture and appliances to feed the Babies, as well as hygienic containers and containers to deposit diapers. The same group has proposed another motion to request the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) and the Valencian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FVMP) to carry out a study on the possibility of reforming the legislation related to the census of the census. Allow the registration in two localities, for first and second residence, to be able to thus improve the financing of the tourist cities. The motion has gone ahead unanimously. By majority has been approved another socialist motion to urge the Diputación de Alicante to participate in the Autonomous Municipal Cooperation Fund and increase the economic resources. At the proposal of the municipal group Citizens for Benidorm (CBM) and unanimously approved the creation of a commission to initiate work to revise the Municipal Organic Regulation to regulate issues such as the Debate on the state of the Municipality, the Social Council of Municipality, the Defender of the Neighbor, the Special Commission of Suggestions and Claims, or the Neighborhood Popular Consultation binding. Besides unanimously, a motion by the C's group, as amended by CBM and PSOE, has been issued to create prizes for academic performance, for a minimum of € 150 exchangeable for school and / or cultural material, for students registered in Benidorm with a better record In Secondary Education, Music and Dance. A motion by the Liberales de Benidorm group (LiBE) has been successful by a majority, urging the Government to allocate and approve a sufficient budget line in the General State Budget for 2017 to undertake the works of the Police Station of the National Police of Benidorm. The majority of councilors have supported a motion by LiBE to urge the President of the Generalitat to preserve and maintain the standards of quality, low density and buildability, limitation of heights and integration in the landscape in the ambit of the Special Master Plan of  Uses and Infrastructures of the area of ​ Benidorm-Finestrat theme park. With the unanimous vote, on the proposal of Compromís-Los Verdes, it has been agreed that the City Council will design a project of safe school roads to improve the mobility of children. Another motion by the same group, as amended by Ciudadanos (C's) and PSOE, was unanimously approved to urge the Diputación de Alicante, the Valencian Government and the Government of Spain to ensure that the distribution of investments among the towns and cities of the province is made on the basis of "objective criteria" that allows the municipalities to know how much they will receive before elaborating their municipal budgets. A motion by Compromís-Los Verdes, amended by Ciudadanos por Benidorm, has also been unanimously approved for a technical and economic report about the current state of L'Aigüera Park and for the drafting of a rehabilitation project to carry out  rehabilitation, incorporating a budget item in 2017 to cover this project and that the necessary works are carried out in a maximum period of three years.

Urgent motions

Outside the agenda, a motion of urgency presented by the socialist group has been approved by a majority to make an economic contribution of 40,000 euros to Benidorm Football Club.