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In the framework of 'Edificant', the Ministry of Education is asked to give it the powers to build a new building at the Leonor Canalejas school that also houses the EPA

The plenary session approves requesting the SPTCV its infrastructures and drinking water network from Terra Mítica

26 March 2018
El pleno aprueba solicitar a la SPTCV sus infraestructuras y red de agua potable del entorno de Terra Mítica

It is also urged to allow sports technicians to access educational centers at recesses in order to encourage the participation of students in the School Games.

The plenary has approved by majority to ask the Society for Thematic Projects of the Valencian Community (SPTCV) to give the City Council all its hydraulic infrastructures located or linked to the potable water supply network of the PEDUI area (Special Plan Director of Uses and Infrastructures ) of Terra Mítica. The proposal of the councilman of the Water Cycle, José Ramón González de Zárate, contemplates requesting the transfer of the water treatment plant, four tanks, five pumps, the drinking water distribution network, and the remote control and remote control of all the equipment. Some facilities managed by the City Council, but owned by the SPTCV.

De Zárate pointed out that these infrastructures "are fundamental" and require investments for improvement, adaptation and renovation to ensure "that the residents of the La Cala area and the companies implanted in the PEDUI do not have water problems". Some investments that the City Council could make if it receives this assignment.

The approved proposal reiterates the requests made by the City Council in January and September 2015 to obtain the marine water collection facilities located in the Paseo de Tamarindos, all its pipelines and the works executed for the construction of a desalination plant in the PEDUI. Two petitions that were "unanswered".

Unanimously, the councilors have agreed to ask the Ministry of Education to give to the City Council the powers in the matter of construction of school infrastructure to raise in Leonor Canalejas school a new building that gives service to this center and the School of People Training Adults (EPA). The mayor, Toni Pérez, has indicated that this transfer of powers, which is part of the 'Edificant' program, is necessary to build the multipurpose building designed by the City Council after listening to the needs expressed by the School Councils of both centers. .

The mayor recalled that this building will be built in the space occupied by the former homes of teachers -given by the City Council after detecting problems in the structure of one of the blocks-, and will have a ground floor and three floors. The ground floor will house spaces for the Leonor Canalejas school as a dining room, kitchen, multipurpose room and toilets; while the top three will be for the EPA, thus ending "the provisional situation of this center", temporarily installed in the municipal center El Torrejó.

With the support of the entire corporation, a proposal by the Councilor for Sports, Arturo Cabrillo, has been successful, to urge the Ministry of Education to authorize the municipal sports technicians to attend in the recesses to the secondary schools and institutes (IES) to encourage students to participate in the Sports Games of the Valencian Community.

Cabrillo recalled that for the 2017/2018 academic year the Ministry "issued a resolution that did not allow during school hours the sports activities carried out by the City Council" in schools, including the recruitment of students for the School Games. Since the application of this measure "an alarming decrease in the number of participants has been detected" in the School Games, which is "in the reduction of the strengthening of healthy habits of life and the promotion of sport" and that is due to "the contact of the sports technicians with the students has been reduced ". Hence, "it is necessary for technicians to attend recesses to contact the students, encourage them to participate in the School Games and inform about the schedules of training and matches."

Unanimously, the plenary session has approved a protocol for action against sexual and gender-based harassment in the City Council, and has expressed the commitment of the local entity to respect equal treatment and opportunities in the workplace, fostering the conditions that prevent the harassment of a sexual nature, based on sex, sexual orientation and gender identity.

With the same result, a proposal has been put forward to ask the Generalitat for aid of 10,164 euros for the drafting of new local plans for the prevention of forest fires or for the revision of those already approved.

Unanimously the corporation has also agreed to ask the Generalitat Valenciana the awarding of distinctions and decorations to the officers of the Local Police Antonio García Hernández and Antonio Ortiga Galdón for their 25 years of service, as well as agents Antonio Vicente Hernández Ramos and Santiago Ángel Sánchez Castro. The proposal also includes granting the Diploma of Retirement to the agent María Mas Llorca.

In the same session, the office of the General Director of Public Works, Transport and Mobility of the Generalitat addressed to the Local Commission of Prevention in Local Security and related to the map of collective public transportation concessions was reported. Likewise, the report-proposal on defense and representation of corporate and municipal employees and employees has been reported.

Motions of the opposition

With the vote of majority of the councilors and proposed by the municipal group of the PSOE it has been agreed to write reports about the environmental impact of the cableway project in the Natural Park of Serra Gelada to know if it produces some kind of damage in this place protected. The proposal also includes that the City Council and the Regional Ministry study the possibility of reviewing and updating the Natural Resources Management Plan (PORN) of Serra Gelada to avoid legal-administrative problems between the demarcations.

The plenary session also approved a motion by the municipal group Compromís-Los Verdes for equal pay for women and men; and unanimously a motion by the same group has been successful, amended by the PP, in which the local government is urged to demand from the Management Company of Assets from the Banking Restructuring (SAREB) the consequence of an agreement for the transfer of housing for social rent.

In addition, the plenary session unanimously supported a motion by the non-attached councilor Juan García, as amended by the PP, so that the City Council could increase control and surveillance over the terraces of the hotel and commercial establishments on public roads, and a debate so that the occupation ordinance is revised to look for balances of the hoteliers and the citizenship.

Emergency motions

A motion by the Councilor for Citizen Security, Lorenzo Martínez, has been approved outside the order of the day, in which the Generalitat Valenciana is urged to adopt the mechanisms and necessary legal changes that allow the City Councils to count on enough Local Police officers. as well as establishing control mechanisms that end with job instability.

A motion of the socialist group about pensions has been partially approved, in which the Government of Spain is urged to take measures that progressively eliminate the gap close to the 40% that exists between the pensions of men and women.