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The plenary session approve the tender specifications for the new comprehensive agreement of beaches, parks and gardens

26 September 2016
El pleno aprueba los pliegos para licitar el nuevo contrato integral de playas, y el de parques y jardines

Mobility incorporates the ordinance regulating the use of trailers attached to bicycles and creating bike lanes. The corporation supports the proposed Tourism Awards and cultural distinction 'Ciutat de Benidorm'

The plenary sessionof the corporation approved onMonday by a majority the new full service contract for beaches, parks and gardens. The councillors for Beaches and Urban Scene, Lorenzo Martínez and José Ramón González de Zárate, recalled that it has been working on both specifications during the last two months with the rest of politicians and municipal technicians. With regard to the beaches for the first time it will be included in a single contract services of lifeguard, cleaning, accessible beaches and management of hammocks, furniture and umbrelas. This contract will tender for a period of five years with possibility of extension five years more and report to the City Council a minimum annual fee of 233,000 euros. The parks and gardens, meanwhile, includes the care and maintenance of all the green areas of the municipality, including those incorporated in the future like Foietes Park. This contract will go to tender for a period of four years with possibility of extension two, and amounting to 1.3 million euros annually. Both contracts have joined the collective agreements of each sector, including subrogation templates. By majority, a motion has also prospered to amend the ordinance number 1 of Mobility to regulate the use of trailers attached to bicycles for transportation of people and goods as well as for the implementation of bike lanes and roads with speeds limited to 20 or 30 kilometers per hour coexisting with other vehicles but in a situation of priority. With the unanimous vote of the groups, on a proposal from the Board of Spokesmen after collecting the opinion of the Visit Benidorm Foundation has approved grant Tourism Awards. In the international category the award will be for former Paralympic athlete and British presenter Ade Adepitan; in the national category for PREDIF Association (Representative State Platform for Physically Disabled), entity reference in accessible tourism; and local level for Double Love, which through its Special Employment Centre launched in 1983 an industrial laundry that currently employs 60 workers. Also, the special award will be for the Cable Ski. These awards will be presented tomorrow, September 27, coinciding with the International Tourism Day. Also unanimously it adopted that cultural distinció Ciutat de Benidorm 2016 delivered on 9 October in History and Geography professor Francisco Alegre Amillo a proposal from the commission formed by the winners in previous years with this distinction. A proposal that the Board of Spokesmen endorsed and that their contribution to the study and dissemination of the history of Benidorm is recognized. Unanimously it adopted amend the Rules of Procedure of Early Childhood Center La Torreta to establish free service for all registered voters and residents in Benidorm. With the majority vote of the corporation it has approved applying the winner of posts cafeteria municipal market measures adopted in 2014 to encourage the implementation of all areas of this installation, and set aside the award of two posts fishmonger which should rebid. He has also gone ahead of court recognition of invoices amounting to 100,022.65 euros; and dismiss an appeal lodged by Gas Natural Cegas against the approval of the Town Planning Ordinance and Activities released. On the other hand, it has ratified the decree of appointment of counsel in the appeal of harmfulness on the Outlet Market; and it has realized the spending proposal to rehabilitate several streets of the Old Town and the reports and conclusions of the Technical Committee working on the municipalization of Palau d'Esports.

Opposition Motions

Unanimously it has prospered a motion of the municipal group of the PSOE for an information campaign is conducted throughout the year to raise awareness and alert consumers about the activity of Trile and hawking on beaches, involving the different economic agents and social. Also with the vote of all councilors of the Corporation has approved a motion of Citizens for Benidorm (CBM) for the department Intervention completed within three months an audit of potable water and sewerage, in which is to study and determine the price components. It has also prospered a motion of Citizens Municipal groups (C's), as amended by Liberals Benidorm (LIBE), for the Agency for Employment and Local Development (AEDL) brought before the Department enlargement and approval of training families held in the city with the aim of employment workshops aimed at maintaining forests and green areas. In addition, you are encouraged to update the Local Fire Plan, a report with performances of priority maintenance drafted, to be filled with purified water raft Alto Governor, and that the City execute the works to optimize the infrastructure of the Channel Bass Algar so that firefighters can use with the unanimous vote of the corporation has approved a motion by the Green Municipal Compromís-group to include bonuses of social and family nature in all courses imparted by the city Council.

Urgent motions

Outside the agenda they have been discussed several motions filed by municipal groups by way of urgency. Thus it has been approved by a majority a motion of group C's to be convened within 15 days, the commission Armanello in which municipal technicians and political groups to agree and determine the legal actions that can be undertaken to curb are present degradation zone. In this regard, the Councillor for Urbanism, Lourdes Caselles, has indicated that the committee will meet next October 4. On the other hand, has moved forward a motion to require the developer LIBE Avenue of the European Community to culminate the work and all procedures are performed for the Municipality receptions this route before 31 December.