Approved bonuses to undertake works of public interest at Leonor Canalejas school, at IES Bernat de Sarrià, at Tomás Ortuño health center and at Pere Mª Orts i Bosch Highschool
The plenary session accepts the proposal of the Contracting Committee to award the works of Mediterráneo avenue

The plenary session of Benidorm City Council has approved today by urgency with the vote of the local government proposal of the Contracting Committee to require UTE that raised "the most advantageous offer" to execute the works of the first phase of refurbishment of Mediterráneo avenue that contributes the definitive guarantee previous to the awarding of the contract, according to the councilor of the Contracting department, Lourdes Caselles. After analyzing the projects presented by the eleven companies and opening the envelope with the mathematical proposal of the seven that reached the final stage, the Contracting Committee proposed awarding the work to UTE Orthem-Emurtel.
This UTE proposes to carry out the remodeling of Mediterráneo avenue for an amount of 7,760,234.26 euros, accepting the first three improvements included in the project and allocating 3.7 million euros to the fourth improvement, which subtract up to the tender price, which was 11.4 million. Caselles recalled that "the fourth improvement consisted in a downward reduction in the price offered - in this case 32.51% - to earmark it for the improvement of Europa avenue".
Caselles stressed that the remodeling of the avenue "is a project that we have all voted in favor because we consider it a priority", and stressed -with the doubts raised by some opposition groups- that "the offer proposed by UTE does not constitute a reckless low ", as it is clear from the calculations made by the Contracting Committee last Friday.
By a large majority, the corporation has approved a bonus of 95% of the Building, Installation and Works Tax for five "public interest" actions such as the fencing of Leonor public school, several repairs at the IES Bernat de Sarrià, the partial settlement of the facade and roof of the Tomás Ortuño health center, the reform of the Secondary Education Institute Pere Mª Orts i Bosch, and the installation of firefighting plant for light packaging waste. The mayor of Urbanism, Lourdes Caselles, recalled that this bonus is included in the municipal ordinance and covered by the Law on Local Taxation because it concerns works of "municipal interest or utility because of social, cultural, historical or artistic circumstances. job".
Also by a large majority, the plenary session has endorsed the proposal to award a public concession allowing the installation of an elevator in a building on Jilguero Street, thus providing accessibility to this residential property. Caselles recalled that during the public exhibition phase no allegations have been presented.
The plenary has debated the urgent sanitary transport in line with the new sheet of the Urgent and Non-Urgent Terrestrial Health Transport service of the Valencian Community. By majority, among other points, it has been agreed to urge the Ministry of Health to present a plan to solve the new situation, and to modify this decision for "the disastrous consequences that may have on the quality of health care and transfer to professionals for the realization of urgent home notifications during the hours of Continued Care ".
In the same session has been reported the agreement signed on August 10 with the Generalitat Valenciana, the municipalities of l'Alfàs del Pi and Altea, and the Nautical Club of the latter town for joint maritime surveillance of the Serra Natural Park Gelada.
Likewise, the deed signed on August 8 with the Society of Thematic Projects of the Valencian Community (SPTCV) of annulment of another constitution of surface right and substitution by cession of public concession relative to the land of the cultural center has been reported.
It has also been reported the request made by the Councilor for Health, Ana Pellicer, to the Ministry of Health in relation to the creation of a health care point in Salto del Agua complex, in compliance with the plenary agreement of last 28 of May.
Opposition motions
By a large majority, a motion by Ciudadanos (Cs) has been successful in mitigating the effects of plastic in the Mediterranean Sea, which includes urging the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment, Climate Change and Rural Development to legislate and promote measures that achieve this goal. The proposal also includes studying that the bidding of events of the City contemplate not to use plastic utensils of a single use, and to establish the same criteria for the festive events that celebrate in the city associations, clubs and Commission of Festes Majors Patronals.
A motion by the same group has also gone ahead, in part, so that in those cases in which housing occupations are detected for reasons of necessity, the City Council will provide families with the resources at their disposal. Also, among other points, it raises studying the intermediation with the owners of the house to promote social rental contracts guaranteed by the City Council; promote a stock exchange of real estate to dedicate them to social use through incentives to owners; talk with banks, investment funds and SAREB to allocate their homes to that same use.
Motion of urgency
In addition to accepting the proposal of the Contracting Committee regarding the Mediterranean, the plenary session has approved an emergency motion by the socialist group, amended by the non-attached councilor Juan García, to install charging points for electric vehicles next to the health centers of Tomás Ortuño, Foietes, La Cala and Rincón de Loix, and that they are used by all citizens outside the hours of sanitary use.