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The corporation also approves to request again the declaration of Asset of Cultural Interest of Tossal de La Cala y el Castell

The plenary adjudicates the works to the industrial estate that will allow the development of the sector

27 March 2023
Pleno ordinario marzo 2023
Pleno ordinario marzo 2023

By majority, it has been approved to start the procedure to award the contract of the Bus Station, to which the previous successful bidder will attend and 5 companies will be invited

The plenary session of the Benidorm City Council, in the ordinary session of March held today, has unanimously approved the award of the contract for the construction of the access to the Benidorm industrial estate, specifically, the link works of the N- 332 and its connection with Avenida de la Comunitat Valenciana and the access roundabout.
The point has been discussed in the chapter on extraordinary offices after the approval, in this case only with the votes of the government team, of a loan operation in two lots for a global value of 18.6 million euros to be able to award said contract. The Councilor for the Treasury, Aida García Mayor, has affirmed that the operation is arranged for an investment that "we understand is very necessary". The loan will suppose her, she has said, “to be able to build a road and a roundabout that will unblock the industrial estate that will bring an undoubted economic benefit to the city. It must be done and it must be in charge of municipal resources due to the demands of the Ministry of Public Works”. García mayor has stressed that "we have committed to it to unblock the industrial estate, which the city has been waiting for for so many years."
Once the loan operation was approved, the award of the contract for said work was approved for a value of 16,165,746.66 euros to the company Tecnología de la Construcción y Obras Públicas S.A. On this point, the spokesperson and councilor for Town Planning, Lourdes Caselles, has added that the development of the industrial estate "will lead to the creation of more than 2,000 direct jobs and as many indirect jobs" and "will allow landowners to finally, develop their plots and the city has its tertiary development as other neighboring municipalities have had that have had permission from the Ministry and to whom they have even ceded their stretch of road, while Benidorm was denied it”.
In the same session, it was unanimously approved to reiterate to the Directorate General for Culture and Heritage of the Generalitat the requests for formal declaration and inscription as a Site of Cultural Interest (BIC) of the Castell and the Tossal de La Cala, requests that were approved in plenary session on October 30, 2017, and May 25, 2020.
The Councilor for Historical and Cultural Heritage, Ana Pellicer, recalled that after the restoration of the Torre de Les Caletes and the grant from the Provincial Council to restore the Torre de Morales, the municipal effort has focused these years on the two cultural assets such as El Tossal and the Castell “even though a long time has passed since it was first requested”.
In this sense, the mayor has detailed that in August 1984 the file was already initiated and that three decades later said the statement was requested again "and also that the file be concluded." Despite this, in December 2017 the regional administration informed the City Council that up to that date, there had been no change in the situation of Tossal. Years later, in February 2020, the Generalitat reported again about Tossal that, indeed, the file was opened in 1984, but since the declaration had not been resolved, the file had expired. “Although the request was resumed, as of today there are no changes. The City Council has not ceased in its efforts to value this Roman fort from the 1st century BC” insisted Pellicer.
As for the Castle, the archaeological intervention made it possible to recover remains that have been valued, such as the cistern, the drinking trough, or sections of the wall. The Castell is also the most visited and photographed point in the city. Pellicer recalled that "the law establishes that the protection of Spanish castles must be considered of Cultural Interest, a circumstance that applies to our Castle".
She has also gone ahead, in this case by the majority, the contract file for the concession contract for the real estate complex of the Bus Station made up of two lots; the management of the station and the management of the shopping center and hotel. The file will be processed through a negotiated procedure without publicity in which the previous concessionaire is invited to participate "and all those companies that are considered economically and technically sound to manage the real estate complex, with a minimum number of five companies for each of the lots".
The government spokesperson, Lourdes Caselles, has clarified that the joint commission for the resolution of the contract was made in times of the socialist government. It had to be completely transparent and so we took a step to the side. The technicians were the ones who had to reach the conclusions and this has been the case. Politicians have had nothing to do with it”. Caselles has also blamed the opposition for the fact that in eight months "they have not contributed anything, only doubts and not telling the truth" and has stressed that "this government team has never looked the other way, but we modified the concession in plenary agreement to follow the judgment of the Supreme Court”. She has even alluded to the fact that the legalization of the entire complex “was carried out with the previous government team. The previous mayor did go to the joint commission, unlike with this government, because we do trust the technicians”.
In the same way, the proposal of the Councilor for the Water Cycle to request the Thematic Projects Society of the Valencian Community (SPTCV) the transfer the facilities of the seawater pumping station of Paseo de Tamarindos, has also been unanimously approved. its impulsion and return pipes, the underwater intake and discharge pipes and the works carried out corresponding to the desalination plant, as well as their corresponding authorizations and concessions in favor of the City Council. “We are asking for it again because that infrastructure is important. It is a key and necessary investment, including in the National Hydrological Plan. We ask that other administrations help us" explained José Ramón González de Zárate.
The councilor regretted, however, that "in all this time we have not had a response from the SPTCV and what we are asking is that they give us these infrastructures to be able to build the desalination plant, which could treat three cubic hectometres and which will provide a great service for avoid having problems with water, something that would greatly harm our tourism.”

Unanimously approved three points relating to the initiation of procedures for awarding awards to agents of the Local Police. In the first case, the police merit cross with a blue badge "for standing out with notoriety and perseverance in the fulfillment of the duties of his position, having served more than 10 years as a Local Police and being in possession of two Public Congratulations on an individual basis ” to agents Pedro Antonio Martínez Casteo and Juan Gabriel Casagrande Losada.

The second case is the public congratulations to the officer Ana María Crespo Llopis, and the agents Aarón Mora Aznar and Javier Navarro Guillem 'for their intervention on January 28 of this year thanks to which they were able to revive a man who was at a stop cardiorespiratory by means of CPR maneuvers until the arrival of the health services.
The last case is the police merit cross with a blue badge for the agent Manuel Risueño Bañuls for carrying out the study 'Cannabis clubs from a police perspective' on the problems that the Security Forces and Corps may encounter when it comes to intervene in a club of these characteristics. A work that has been published in one of the most prestigious legal journals in the country, 'La ley penal', with praise from various fields.
In plenary, the report of the General Intervention of the Generalitat and the new request for a report of discrepancies in relation to the file of the contract for the collection of solid urban waste and cleaning of public spaces service have also been reported. The same has been done with the audit report on the subsidies and aid granted in 2020 by local entities on the occasion of Covid-19 issued by the Audit Office and with the ruling of the Superior Court of Justice of the Valencian Community, which has dismissed the appeal filed by the businessman Antonio Manuel Puchades against the order of Administrative Litigation number 3 of Alicante relating to the APR-7 sector.
extraordinary dispatches
Finally, and unanimously, the political groups have approved a proposal issued by the Board of Spokespersons requesting that the seat of the future contentious-administrative court number 5 of Alicante, which is in the approval phase, have its headquarters in the city of Benidorm.
The proposal considers that Benidorm "meets and meets all the requirements for the establishment of a court in the city of these characteristics" and adds that "while contributing to improving the proximity of reference services, bringing administrative litigation closer to citizenship, there would be an impact on their decentralization, facilitating judicial protection of those administered”.