The amount requested is 189,678 euros and will also be used to cover the operating costs of this body in the period 2025-2026
The Pacte per l’Ocupació de la Marina Baixa requests a subsidy from LABORA for the hiring of technical staff

Pacte per l’Ocupació de la Marina Baixa (POMB), which includes all the municipalities in the region, the unions UGT and Comisiones Obreras and the business confederation CEV, has requested a subsidy of 189,678.13 euros from LABORA – the Valencian Employment and Training Service – to cover the costs of staff who will work on the project and the operating costs, during the period 2025-2026. This has been conveyed by the Councillor for Employment and Local Promotion of Benidorm City Council and president of the Pacte, Mónica Gómez, who has reported that the local Government Board has approved this Monday the request for this subsidy as well as the projects that will be developed with it.
Mónica Gómez recalled that during the 2023-2024 years, the POMB had a subsidy from LABORA by which the activity was developed, carrying out job guidance, workshops and training actions to improve employability in the region. Thus, during this period, 86 workshops, talks and training actions were carried out in all the municipalities, including those developed by POMB staff as well as with specialized teachers or in collaboration with entities such as Cáritas, the Government Subdelegation, FEMPA or Tragsa, among others.
Likewise, 176 job guidance sessions were developed for people interested in improving their employment situation; another 198 training sessions; and 296 company prospections, all of them aimed at improving the situation of unemployed people, knowing the new needs and demands of both employees and employers and guiding citizens in training and job search.
The Councillor for Employment has highlighted “the importance of this project in terms of employment and training, as it contributes to improving employability throughout the Marina Baixa territory” and highlighted that “a key point in the development of the project has been the support of all the organisations that are part of the POMB, including the 30 collaborating entities that are part of it”.
The Pacte per l’Ocupació de la Marina Baixa was established on 10 March 2023, with the signature of the representatives of the 18 municipalities that make up this region, together with CC OO, UGT, and CEV. The main lines of action of the project are improving the labour insertion of priority groups, promoting specialised vocational training, and building capacity for business management.
For the new period for which the LABORA grant is requested, as agreed at the session of the Governing Council on December 18, 2024, and as approved by the Governing Board, the action projects for the years 2025 and 2026 are the promotion of entrepreneurship in the region and the labour insertion of priority groups, as well as specialized vocational training.
The Governing Council for the Pact establishment held in March 2023 authorized the Benidorm City Council, the president of the POMB, to carry out the necessary procedures for this grant. Mónica Gómez explained that "the bulk of the grant will be used to hire the technical staff who will be in charge of preparing the planned projects and the start-up and operation of the Pact."
It is planned to hire two technicians, one of whom will act as coordinator and a worker to provide administrative support.
The councillor stated that the intention is to incorporate this staff as soon as possible so that the entire machinery of the Marina Baixa Employment Pact is fully operational as soon as possible and thus advance in the development of the projects proposed within it”.