In Virgen del Sufragio the cemeteries of the whole cemetery are being numbered and balustrades placed on the ramps
New landscaping and better accessibility in the cemeteries of Benidorm for the celebration of All Saints

In Sant Jaume 5 staircases have been purchased to facilitate access to niches of greater height
The mayor of Benidorm, Toni Pérez, the councilwoman of Cemeteries, Angela Llorca, the councilman of Urban Scene, José Ramón González de Zárate, and the councilman of Street Cleaning, Arturo Cabrillo, accompanied by staff and technicians of the Department, have completed this afternoon the visit to the municipal cemeteries Virgen de Sufragio and San Jaime, where improvements are being made to the celebration on November 1 on the occasion of the celabration of All Saints Festivity.
In the Virgen de Sufragio cemetery pruning and maintenance of the garden have been carried out, with more than 800 new plantations, the existing imperfections have been painted and all pending cemeteries are being numbered correctly. A tree whose roots were damaging the pantheon of Ortuño family, of municipal ownership and great artistic value, has also been felled, as well as railings are being placed on all the ramps. The mayor stressed that "work has already begun to convert the plot where there was once a fast food establishment into a big garden", works that will be completed in approximately 15 days.
Regarding the cemetery of San Jaime, Toni Pérez highlighted the acquisition of "five new stairs of two meters, which will allow a comfortable and safe access to niches located in the highest places." In the same way, painting and gardening maintenance tasks have been carried out with the planting of more than 4,000 new plants.
The mayor stressed the importance that "our cemeteries should have the best image and the best possible services for a day when many citizens come to honor and remember their dead friends and relatives." He also recalled that the Masses will be celebrated at 12:00 in the cemetery of San Jaime and at 5:00 pm in the Virgen del Sufragio cemetery.